Platform Projects Space 2024

Untitled 6

My most recent Specular paintings/drawings (2024) represent how the world feels to me at the moment, duplicitous.
Each work consists of a pair of canvases/paper-reflections of each other. They are one and the same but also opposites. Copies and originals. Two realities.

Drawing 001 2004
Drawing 001 Pastels on paper 2024 (two sheets 20 x 16 inches each with a gap of 4 inch in between) approx. 20 x 34 inches /50 x 86 cm
Drawing 04
Drawing 004 mixed media on paper 2024 (two sheets 9 x 12 inches each with a gap of 4 inch in between) approx. 18 x 25 inches / 45 x 60 cm
Drawing 08
Drawing 008 Pastels on paper 2024 (two sheets 20 x 16 inches each with a gap of 4 inch in between) approx. 20 x 34 inches /50 x 86 cm
LA 003
LA 003 Acrylics on canvas 2024( two canvases 60 x 48 inches each with a gap of 5 inch in between) approx. 60 x 102 inches 152 x 300 cm
LArge 001-1
LA 001 Acrylics on canvas 2024( two canvases 60 x 48 inches each with a gap of 5 inch in between) approx. 60 x 102 inches 152 x 300 cm
LArge 001
(DETAIL) LA 001 Acrylics on canvas 2024 ( two canvases 60 x 48 inches each with a gap of 5 inch in between) approx. 60 x 102 inches 152 x 300 cm
LA 002 Acrylics on canvas 2024 ( two canvases 60 x 48 inches each with a gap of 5 inch in between) approx. 60 x 102 inches 152 x 300 cm
LArge-002 copy
(DETAIL) LA 002 Acrylics on canvas 2024 ( two canvases 60 x 48 inches each with a gap of 5 inch in between) approx. 60 x 102 inches 152 x 300 cm
AA_004 Acrylics on canvas 2024 (two canvases 20 x 16 inches each with a gap of 4 inch in between) approx. 20 x 34 inches /50 x 86 cmbetween) Approx. 50 x 86 cm
AA_003 Acrylics on canvas 2024 (two canvases 20 x 16 inches each with a gap of 4 inch in between) approx. 20 x 34 inches /50 x 86 cm
AA_002 2024
AA_002 Acrylics on canvas 2024 (two canvases 20 x 16 inches each with a gap of 4 inch in between) approx. 20 x 34 inches /50 x 86 cm
015 acrylic on canvas 2024 (two canvases 12 x 9 inches each with a gap of 2 inch in between) Approx.12 x26 inch /23 x 45 cm
003 acrylic on canvas 2024 (two canvases 12 x 9 inches each with a gap of 2 inch in between) Approx.12 x26 inch /23 x 45 cm
wide retouched2
wide retouched1
wide retouched3
View of the Farnese Bull with Flag and Palmyra
Views of the exhibition
Les Etrangers
Les Etrangers

These works came about from a sense of economy.
I wanted to use simple easily available objects and create paintings that would be an indictment to consumption and destruction.

Palmira 2020 bleach on blackout material
Palmira 2020 bleach on blackout material 6m x 6m here shown with "flag 2022" and the Farnese Bull in situ at MANN
Palmira detail
Palmira 2020 bleach on blackout material 6m x 6m DETAIL
Palmira 2020 bleach on blackout material 6m x 6m DETAIL
Leaving Venezuela 2019 Bleach on Duvet Cover 162 cmx 118 cm
Leaving Venezuela 2019 (DETAIL) Bleach on Duvet Cover 162 cmx 118 cm
Leaving Venezuela 2019 (DETAIL) Bleach on Duvet Cover 162 cmx 118 cm
Rohingya Refugees-Myanmar 2019 Bleach on Duvet Cover 162 cmx 118 cm
Rohingya Refugees-Myanmar 2019 (DETAIL) Bleach on Duvet Cover 162 cmx 118 cm
Rohingya Refugees-Myanmar 2019 (DETAIL) Bleach on Duvet Cover 162 cmx 118 cm
Rohingya Refugees-Myanmar 2019 (DETAIL) Bleach on Duvet Cover 162 cmx 118 cm
Refugee from Flood,India 2019 Bleach on Pillow Case 51cm x 76 cm
Rohingya-Myanmar 2019 Bleach on Pillow case 51cm x 76 cm
kandahar afganistan
kandahar Afganuistan gold and silver
RGB color screens 2-17
RGB color screens 2-17
Front page seaman
2 years of Playboy macerated magazine
1 years of Playboy macerated magazine
jenia intereference painting
jenia intereference painting
install shot
install shot
RGB color screens 2-17
2 degrees- 2 gradi Milano 2018
2 degrees- 2 gradi Milano 2018
2 degrees- 2 gradi Milano 2018
2 degrees- 2 gradi Milano 2018
2 degrees- 2 gradi Milano 2018
2 degrees- 2 gradi Milano 2018
2 degrees- 2 gradi Milano 2018
2 degrees- 2 gradi Milano 2018

the RGB paintings made using only 3 colors ( Red Green and Blue) hijack the traditional printing halftone process and render it as a painting using

additive light based system alluding to the transition form analogue to digital of our images and news sources

Woman in hut,Sudan 2019 Acrylics on Linen 182 cm x 243 cm
Woman in hut,Sudan (DETAIL)2019 Acrylics on Linen 182 cm x 243 cm
Woman-Sudan-RGB 2019 Acrylics on Linen 145 cm x 122 cm
Rohingya Refugees-Myanmar Bangladesh 2019 acrylics on Linen 92 cm x 122 cm
Fishermen Preparing for storm, India RGB 2019 Acrylics on Linen 76 cm x 102 cm
Chinese man, Japan 2018 acrylics on canvas 148 cm x 243 cm
Boat Leaving, Venezuela 2017 acrylics on canvas 243 cm x 184 cm
Arrival Lesbos 2016 Acrylics on Canvas 182 cm x 243 cm
Hand with Photograph 2016 Acrylics on Canvas 122 cm x 155 cm
Man Lesbos 2016 Acrylics on Canvas 45 cm x 65 cm
Man Lesbos Silver 2016 Acrylics on Canvas 45 cm x 65 cm
Woman Lesbos 2016 Acrylics on Canvas 45 cm x 65 cm
Man, Lampedusa 2015 acrylics on canvas 122 cm x 184 cm
Woman, Peru 2015 acrylics on canvas 122 cm x 184 cm
Chinese man, Japan 2018acrylics on canvas 148 cm x 243 cm
Installation Blindarte, Napoli 2014
Installation Blindarte, Napoli 2014
Installation Blindarte, Napoli 2014
Installation Blindarte, Napoli 2014
Installation Blindarte, Napoli 2014
NYT19 april 2014 Burned Paper 122cm x 91 cm (2014)
New York Times 3/19/2013 Burned Paper 122cm x 91 cm (2014)
New York Times 6/19/2013 Burned Paper 122cm x 91 cm (2014)
New York Times 4/12/2011 Burned Paper 122cm x 91 cm (2014)
New York Times 2/10/2013 Burned Paper 122cm x 91 cm (2014)
Installation Blindarte, Napoli 2014
Installation Blindarte, Napoli 2014
Installation Blindarte, Napoli 2014
Installation Blindarte, Napoli 2014

Notes on the works of Davide Cantoni

In the works of Davide Cantoni, we are confronted immediately and rather unexpectedly with an intriguing, simultaneously difficult and easy to grasp state of things. It suggests a status of permanence despite its inherent fragility and apparent temporariness as if this were the only, indisputable, unchangeable, objective and natural state of reality. A surface which suggests instability, distortion, vulnerability and weakness does not however contradict the permanence of the ruined condition of things, on the contrary, fragility appears as eternal, objective, universal and compulsory.

This sense of permanence is not a matter of some massive material strength, some real physical resistance or some forced monumentality, instead it legitimizes itself as a manifestation of the authentic, indisputable status quo of all realities and as revelation of the devastatingly vulnerable state, and fragility of the human condition. This condition is universal and irrevocable — it extends to all human constellations. Because there are no alternatives to this general condition, this sense of permanence is at once painful and yet somehow indifferent. The state of being wounded is universal. While this revelation is accompanied by objectivity, calmness, apathy and melancholy the monotonous repetition of motifs and situations moves the interpretation of these visual-plastic appearances towards the perception and recognition of the real condition of reality.

The courageous and unexpectedly radical nature of Davide Cantoni’s artistic position, consists of the uncompromising extremity with which he represents the binding ontological fragility of our life as an unavoidable, objective fact. Paradoxically it is just this objective calm, this indisputable irrevocability of being wounded and of fragility as a universal and eternal state of things, which ultimately provokes an ethical resistance against the concealed apathy hidden behind fatalistic determinism.

In other words: the factually tragic and the morally unacceptable are not shown in the framework of an anecdotal narrative in which certain real events of our time are singled out by images but in the context of the poetic-connotative, visual-plastic appearance of all possible realities. These are marked by the eternal fragility and vulnerability that characterizes our existence, they highlight the material, sensory, ascertainable condition of things, by their wounded, destroyed and decayed physical appearance.

This condition is the true object of artistic mediation and lays bare the essential, objective, unsolvable defenselessness of all mankind. Here the state of being wounded, fragile and vulnerable are revealed as real components of man’s permanent condition. By no means however, does the perception of the facts and the understanding of the reality imply the acceptance of the given situation.

The narrative pictures in Davide Cantoni’s work relate humanity’s self-destructing tendencies; wars, atrocities, discrimination, the extermination of groups of the human race, and other abhorrent brutal episodes. In the course of recent years, these scenes of violence have been archived, sometimes even published and made famous all over the world. These images, prefabricated and at times already stored within our collective memory, are the material with which Davide Cantoni works. His gigantic oeuvre resembles an archive of terrifying or sad images whereby the relative conspicuousness of some pictures can also create a certain sense of indifference. This, however, does neither entirely eliminate the disturbing, touching emotionality of some of the themes in the pictures nor neutralize the dramatic expressiveness of human tales. The primary immediate effect of the imagery remains central to his work.

In all of the work this physical, material, sensory immediacy of the imagery is contextualized through different connotations and historical, political references. It generates a complexity in which wars, violence, terrorist attacks, the destruction of settlements, forced deportations, the suffering of innocent children, injured women, the exiled, the starved and the cold 5 depict a new world map of mankind’s brutality. Davide Cantoni portrays the image of suffering man like few other artists of our time: without pathos but with true empathy. Paradoxically this empathy is created by portraying the permanence of fragility as a tangible condition of humanity. Whilst the immediate, sensory power of the image constitutes the emotional source of the aesthetic effect, it is the sensing of this conditioned state of being wounded, the apprehension of this fragility, that pulls the viewer into the narrative parts of the image.

The project 111 Years represents a new cartography of human suffering whereby the various armed conflicts, aggressions, terrorist attacks and atrocities of civil wars are being systematically counted and structured through different ways of working on paper or by way of graphic representation of the scenes of violence. The seeming objectivity, the quasi-historical encyclopedic claim to present a concise, consistent and transparent reading of world-historical events creates a sort of visual systemization but hints at the true, single stories of individuals, thereby maintaining the poetic impact that derives from concentrating upon the quiet, restrained, material revelation of human suffering which is always at the center of the work. This visual system, a methodically and rigorously structured cartography retains at all times the full emotional impact of the whole picture, in this way provoking an empathic response.

The artistic work remains material, objective, impersonal, physical and silent like a natural phenomenon. Davide Cantoni does not like to speak himself, or put himself into the role of narrator. Hence, it is not the artist as omniscient narrator but the story in the picture that addresses the viewer through its virtuoso, marvelous, delicate drawing, the sensitive working of the paper, through the burning and wounding of the material. This instills in the viewer the impression that what counts is the examination of the condition of things not stories and anecdotes on human suffering. In place of a story told by an outsider, here, the suffering manifests itself in its perceptible, ascertainable materiality as an objective condition of human existence — and it is exactly this unbearable objectivity that triggers our empathy.

Suffering plays such a central role and is integral to the structure of all Davide Cantoni’s work that it becomes the fundamentally determining element, the objective essence of existence. It reveals itself here in its unavoidable, objective, sensory-physical presence making it simply impossible to speak about from the position of an external observer. It is not possible to just speak of such things; it is not possible to narrate suffering in anecdotes: it must be shown in its material, unbiased universal state in order for one to be able to grasp the dimension of the unbearable. Seen from this perspective, the emphasis placed upon the permanence of the true ruined state of things and upon their irrevocable fragility, seems like a subversive intention of the artist to generate empathy against indifference and passiveness.

Within this ethical context, Davide Cantoni’s work can be understood as a hyper-sensitive sensitization process which, served by the objective, material, impersonal revelation of the permanence of the condition of suffering, the sensually-ascertainable account of the real objective state of being wounded, the ontological fragility and the defenselessness of man provokes the intensification of offensive empathy. Strangely, the more concrete and irrevocable the permanence of the condition of suffering that is portrayed, the more incessant and durable the indifference towards the material, the condition of the destruction, the wounds and the burns, in turn, the more radically our outraged empathy manifests. The aesthetically intentioned subversiveness of the material-physical representation of ontological fragility, of defenselessness and the irrevocable state of being wounded (as a permanent condition of man) sensitizes the recipient and provokes the intensification of our emphatic, participatory reactions.

The seemingly unsensational, delicate, subtle, wounded and burned, perforated, fragile works of Davide Cantoni awaken dormant emotions of participation and responsibility, free of pathos and ideology. The historical and political events that emerge within the ruined, wounded, fragile artistic context, serve as general points of reference as evidence of the human condition — in the metaphorical sense — and do not appear as concrete political facts. Herein lies the authenticity and ethical dimension of Davide Cantoni’s work. He is not an artist who, 7 — essentially egoistic and cynical — exploits tragic and brutal events of history and politics arbitrarily or indiscriminately, often with unoriginal and superficial results, for his artistic or ideological operations. He is focused on the complex sensitive processes of sensitization which through the subversive representation of fragility and defenselessness as permanent and irrevocable states of existence, shock the viewer into an outraged empathy against apa- thy and indifference. His political engagement is not determined by a certain political or ideological perspective but shaped by the reflection of anthropological realities and their political constellation. His subversive sensitivity is devoid of pathos, it is melancholic, and overflowing with a calm, solid and infinite empathy.


Your work deals with current events, history, politics, things that happen in the world. How do you choose what you do? Why are you attracted to it? And, can you talk specifically about some of the work in the show.

All of the images come from the New York Times. This way you get a view of what is published by one of the top news gathering institutions in the world, which has to be a close reflection of what is published as news all around the world. But really what interests me more is what we “see” of this amazing amount of information and then instantly forget. Everyday there’s a new paper, with all new images and new stories, and we have no recollection of what was in the paper three days ago. There are photographs that are memorable, but on the whole, news imagery is instantly discarded.
In a sense there’s a subconscious memory of all this material. Millions of people around the world have seen these images, which are then kind of lost. The remaking of these images brings up questions about how we look, what we focus on… which are the things that we notice… do we not remember because of the sheer volume, or do we want to forget? So, by making the drawings, which are first drawn in pencil and then burned with sunlight through a magnifying glass, there is destruction, the image is almost falling apart… it’s there and not there — often it changes quite dramatically — so that it’s difficult to tell what the original was, particularly in the small drawings. Then there are the paintings, that are made with interference paints which reflect light and from one side reveal the image while from the opposite side they show a negative. You have to actively look for the image, or you can miss it completely. In a way both techniques mimic their original source: photography. The drawings are made with paper exposed to light and the paintings appear as both a negative and a positive. Making the images difficult to see makes you have to look harder. But if you look, you will see. Both kinds of works are about trying to sharpen your vision, and when one succeeds something interesting happens.

The images from the newspaper are taken out of their context — we don’t have a headline or description. And yet at the same time we can read them as newspaper images. Certain images manage to have a documentary feel to them.

The photographers who take these shots are obviously very visually aware, they’re not just clicking at the right time in the right place. Sometimes that happens, but mostly professional photojournalists take amazing photos in extreme situations. And then, once in a while you get photos that are totally out of an art history book: there are Depositions, Pietàs… they look like Renaissance photographs, which of course don’t exist. So I don’t know if people read them instantly as news images. Some more than others, I imagine.

When you re-present these images do you think about how we access information, about how history is told to us?

I am not sure that newspapers really tell us history. They report, and then those events become our history later after going through a “filtering.” I mean it is difficult to see anything as history while you are living it. But something that is very interesting at the moment, which is really all about access to information, is all the copyright issues that the internet and contemporary technology are bringing up for debate. There are very gray areas in the law with regards to image appropriation and what comprises “fair use” in the arts. Music and film seem to have been more closely regulated possibly because the industries were much larger and richer, and I think these debates, if they are resolved in any conclusive way, will have historical consequences on what will be made and how in the future. And my work with these images has direct contact with these debates.

What type of images do you find yourself responding to?

I tend to cut through a whole group of newspapers over a period of four or five hours, so I’ll end up with fifty or sixty images which are all lying on the table. At that point, certain things start to appear as more or less interesting. There’s an impact that I want to transfer to the work. Sometimes it may be a striking image but often the story behind it becomes important to me too.

So you might have something sitting around for years before you actually use it?

Absolutely. That happens quite regularly, although I do try to keep as close to the present as I can. There are many extraordinary images but if I have used them already or they were published too long ago I find it difficult to work with them again…

You’ve worked this way for a number of years. Has the Internet changed the way you get your news? Has it changed your relationship with newspapers?

Apparently we are at the end of the empire of newsprint. Of course I also watch the news on television and check online, both of which give immediate access to information, but that is not exactly useful to what I do in my work. I still like to read the paper to hold it… I like the slowness of print, I know it is there in the pile and that I’ll find it again. Often, as I read the newspaper at home, I think “this could be an interesting picture,” but it usually takes several weeks, if not months, before that newspaper ends up on the cutting table in the studio. In a way this is time that I give myself to remember and of course sometimes to forget some of the images, almost a time to digest them before seeing them again in the studio… they go from being news to becoming inspirational material.

Your work is political, but it has a veneer of neutrality. 111 Years is interesting because it’s graphic and neutral in one sense, but then it also tells a story. How much do you want people to read into it?

I would like people to take their time looking at the work in order to let it grow on them. It is a slow, accumulative work. It was interesting because when I finished making it and then put up the first twenty drawings, I looked at it and I thought that it looked really lightweight, and that I had made a big mistake.

At first it looked too static?

I wasn’t sure that is was going to work. But then, as the drawings piled up it made a big difference… a slow amassing of facts. I don’t know exactly how many million people died in wars in the last hundred years, but we’re talking hundreds of millions. So suddenly I realized that these pieces of paper on the wall, this thin burnt paper, has a huge implication, and the whole piece became quite heavy. It went from looking very thin, wispy, and light, to conveying a lot of information, with a lot of “gravitas.”

Does 111 Years leave us thinking that war is more universal than we’d like to admit?

Well, we are told that we live in a very peaceful time, that we are in the most peaceful decades of the last hundred years. Then you start looking at this work. There have been incredible wars that involved practically the whole world, but when you discount those, there has still been continuous fighting in some countries for more than forty years. Look at Afghanistan, Israel or Colombia, which is effectively in a kind permanent state of civil war, Somalia or the Congo, and the list just goes on and on. According to my drawings it seems to be getting worse, because there are more and more people involved. Maybe the casualties are fewer but there seems to be more fighting going on.

The Flag video uses a powerful symbol that people read different things into. Can you talk about your video, and also your relation to symbols of power, of nationhood… ?

One thing about Flag is that the American flag is the world flag. It’s the one that everyone recognizes everywhere. The majority of the world wants to burn it. Then there’s the two hundred and fifty million Americans who love it to death in a way that I don’t really think happens anywhere else. It says a lot about the American spirit, and the way this country comes together, in a way that’s really unusual. The fact that Americans can rally together is striking, whether it’s fighting in Iraq or against the Taliban, or going to help Haiti. This is something that I think the rest of the world doesn’t understand, this kind of unity that seems to happen here. I am not saying that there is no dissent in the United States but, especially on a governmental level, once a decision has been made, however painfully, then everyone gets behind it. Europeans are more cynical. Here people get pulled into this way of thinking and being. You meet a guy from Bangladesh driving a cab saying “America is the greatest, I love living here!” So, in a sense, Flag is about many different aspects of American culture. The American flag is reviled in many countries, but here if you hold it upside down while walking down the street, people will say, “Hey! don’t be disrespectful.” And, of course, Americans pledge allegiance to the flag, they do it every morning at my children’s school. Then there’s the whole idea of burning the flag, which was, and still is, I think, illegal. But my flag isn’t exactly burning. It burns and then it re pieces itself together, so there’s also something strange going on, which reflects my… I wouldn’t call it ambivalence, but it’s kind of a dual way of looking at the United States… construction… destruction… the way it rebuilds itself when others try to dismantle it. The flag is also standing on its own, there’s no pole, so there’s a fake, artificial element to the whole piece. Maybe the idols are false? And then, is it dawn or is it dusk? There’s a lot of ambiguity about the whole thing, which can be interpreted in many ways. It’s also made in the same aspect ratio as movies, so it refers to cultural imperialism too, and in particular to the world domination of American movies.

And it’s on a loop.

And it’s on a loop. It goes on and on and on. And when the wind dies, it calms down, and then it goes back up, and it’s like, never going to stop.

One thing I like about that is that you can’t tell if it’s the end of an empire, so to speak. That relates to the map project and wars, because one thing that is said about war, is that when the most powerful country resorts to war it represents the beginning of their downfall.

In a way the most powerful country is always and constantly at war whether overtly or covertly. Empires have to do so to maintain the status quo, but it is true that when there is a war that stretches resources beyond capacity 11 we are faced with the end of that empire. We could be living in just such a period and it is certainly true that the wars that America is involved in at the moment are bleeding it dry, but again I am not so sure that it is the end of the empire… we just have to wait and see. This is where the work begins to seep over into politics. The policies of the empire have repercussions that last for decades if not centuries.
All the work obviously has a political side, and I want it to have that. I think for any work to be interesting it has to have some political aspect. I do want people to ask themselves: What am I looking at? What is going on and why? At the same time I don’t want it to be overwhelming, I’m not making politics, I’m making paintings. The works relate to politics, but they have other things to say about painting, about drawing, about photography, about video making.

Striking the right balance in political works is one of the hardest things for an artist to do. Goya did it, of course. What other artists do you think do that well?
Of more contemporary artists Gerhard Richter does that very well. He is always on the fine line of making a comment and at the same time not making a comment, but ultimately his paintings are just as interesting as paintings. Luc Tuymans is also very interesting, he’s a little bit on the subtler side, I think. His paintings seduce with their beauty but leave a slightly bitter taste in the end. I like both these artists’ work very much.

Political work is seen differently depending on where it’s exhibited. If you see the Baader- Meinhof paintings in Germany it’s one thing, in Los Angeles it’s another thing. The piece with the American flag looks one way in Naples and another in New York. How do you feel about that shifting context? And how do you negotiate that?
Well there are certainly different implications, but I think we live in a world which is saturated with information and it’s becoming smaller and smaller. So, it is different showing it in Naples and showing it in New York or Buenos Aires for that matter, but I think, not as alien as it would have been twenty, thirty, fifty years ago. In the end, whoever comes to see it brings something, and you never know what that’s going to be.

Can you describe the galaxy project?
I’ve done a few drawings of suns, moons and galaxies. I was imagining what I would do if I had a huge space to create something—it would have to be something impressive. So, I thought I would build a galaxy. I have been doing some research into materials so that I could actually build a galaxy. As we are talking about this I am thinking that it would be interesting to have 111 Years in one room, and next to it in a pitch black room, there’s the galaxy, just sitting there, blinking. There’s a contrast between the politics and the wars of our planet and the the rest of the universe! But this project is in its very early infancy! Actually we are still pre Big Bang!!

Can you talk about how you burn your drawings? That’s an important part of what you do. How did you begin using that technique, and what does it means to you?
It was in 1997, I had just moved to New York and I was looking at images from the newspaper and I started making small drawings— the same scale as they were published in the newspaper. I was making these drawings on tracing paper and then putting them aside. I bought a magnifying lens because I was making a painting of a marble, a kid’s marble, so I wanted to look at it properly. And then I had the lens, and it was a sunny day, and I had just finished one of these drawings, I thought, well, the sun should burn where the pencil is, but not where the white, or the paper is. Obviously it works, the black absorbs the heat and catches fire, whereas the white reflects, it’s amazing that you can focus the light on the white paper and nothing happens.
I’ll show you the first drawing, it was just a squiggle. I thought “this is interesting.” Then after I’d done a few I thought, “this actually makes complete sense,” it’s light on paper, which is the same stuff as photography, and here we have these photographs disappearing every day and now that they are burnt, almost destroyed, they are also saved from oblivion.

In the paintings there’s a sense of discovery of an image. I read in the Times that we see faces out of very little information. We’ll find a face in a cloud of smoke, for instance. They suggest that it goes back thousands of years—that it was important to read a face on another creature because it could be attacking you.
We’re so highly skilled at looking at other people, and reading expressions… I like the idea that while you are struggling to see one of my paintings you may be tapping into something primordial in your subconscious.

Going back to the nature of newspaper images. They serve a purpose and then they kind of evaporate. When we see an image today it describes the world as we know it and then over time it loses its relevance. The half-life of one of these images can be very short.
Right. After a while, when they’re taken out of context you have no idea what they were about. One of the things I think about is that the people in these photographs exist. In many cases the plight of these people is completely forgotten—they were front page news and now they’re still somewhere… existing. Looking at a picture of someone who was in the newspaper maybe six months ago, I wonder what their life is like now, and whether they’re even still alive.

Artforum / October 2007

Davide Cantoni

Using perhaps the most appropriate method imaginable for the making of a summer show, Davide Cantoni produced the works in his recent debut outing at Daneyal Mahmood Gallery with the help of a classic childhood stunt: burning paper by using a magnifying glass to focus and direct the rays of the sun. Recalling instances of “destructive” painterly and graphic technique from Gustav Metzger’s “acid action paintings” to William S. Burroughs’s shot-peppered planks, the Brooklyn-based artist’s drawings exhibit a range and subtlety of marks and other traces that suggest he has invested considerable time in honing the technique (one might ascertain just how much time, perhaps, from the shade of his tan).

Working on thin, translucent vellum and using graphite powder to sketch out his images prior to charring, Cantoni imbues his work with a disarming fragility. Its ephemeral quality is all the more striking given its sources—news photographs appropriated from the New York Times that depict, mostly, scenes of conflict, disaster, and poverty. Critic Alexi Worth describes the artist’s reinterpretation of these shots as “a form of ‘untranslation,’” a process of alteration that renders their compositions and contents newly ambiguous and ultimately reaffirms the strangeness—the combined familiarity and remoteness—of the events they represent.

Beirut, 2007, for example, renders what looks like a tumbledown bridge crisscrossed by wires as a complex tracery of fine brown lines juxtaposed with larger, jagged-edged fi ssures that—in this thematic context in particular—evoke bullet holes and bomb craters. The work looks as if it is not only blasted but also withering, decaying, on the verge of collapsing back into singed remnants of its component parts. Flooded Road, Indonesia, 2007, is more damaged-looking still—an intricate, fragmented landscape in which figures merge with their surroundings, the field of apparently casual marks recalling Brion Gysin’s impossibly dense crowd scenes. Old Man, China, 2007, is comparable but retains more of the graphite powder than the newer works, a fine scattering of dark gray dust distributed across its surface like ash.

In harnessing the capacity of light to physically transform a surface, and in utilizing a source of journalistic record, Cantoni’s project operates as a reminder both of photography’s technical basis and of its theoretical straddling of life and death, its role as Barthesian memento mori. His works illustrate not only the demise of their ostensible subjects but also their own limited life span as documentary artifacts—and by extension the transient and mutable nature of even the most purportedly authoritative news media. What is pictured in works like Washing in the River, New Delhi, 2007, are events that have been fixed, temporarily, but appear already to be collapsing back into events once more, their scorched surfaces both visualizations of memory and the violent negation thereof.

The exhibition also marked Cantoni’s debut foray into video: SOL, 2007, is a looped thirty-second animation portraying, with neat self-reflexivity, the sun in frame-filling close-up. The stuttering motion and effervescent texture of the solar disk recall photographic treatments of the same subject, produced using technology familiar only to professional astronomers, which are occasionally aired on television to illustrate new cosmic discoveries. That Cantoni’s take on the subject combines high-tech presentation with a determinedly organic process makes for a satisfyingly rounded result. And projected here opposite LUNA (Moon), 2007, a multisheet drawing of the Earth’s satellite on about the same scale, SOL made for an elegant beginning (and end point) to the show.

Micheal Wilson


Startled, averted, jaunty, wary: the faces in Davide Cantoni’s pictures remind us of the quick, complicated responses that photographers elicit—and, in their own trickier, slower ways, that painters do too. For a painter like Cantoni, painting is almost a kind of photography.  But there’s a lot riding on that shift from quickness to slowness, and on that innocuous “almost.”

For the last five years, Cantoni’s main enterprise has been to translate news photographs—quite literally, without prettification or editorializing. Even at its most expert, translation entails damage—little losses, shifts of meaning. Cantoni’s process makes that damage visible. His “Burn Drawings” seem to have survived some strangely delicate conflagration–in fact, the result of Cantoni’s unusual medium, sunlight directed through a magnifying glass. The surface of each drawing is tattered, singed, and frail. Often the vellum has burnt clean through, leaving irregular holes, like lacunae in antique texts.  In his “White paintings,” the imagery itself is often simply invisible. We discover it in the process of pacing around. A pristine surface suddenly reveals an improbable, tragicicomical tableau—two soldiers frisking a child. Like a mislaid memory, it was always there. Step away, and it’s gone.

What Cantoni does is, really, a form of “untranslation.” He makes a visual lingua franca—the iconography of the New York Times– less intellgible. What had been documentary, authoritative, and institutional, becomes vulnerable, coy, idiosyncratic. What was infinite, becomes unique. Cantoni preserves the images, but he changes their qualities. One of the effects of this change is to return to us a fresh sense of the strangeness of the original event. Perhaps we  remember a dead boy, stretched out on the streets of Genoa. Perhaps we can imagine the fate that awaits this somber soldier, with his Yankees cap and rocket launcher. The punctured surface of Cantoni’s drawing amplifies our forebodings. But above all, it reminds us how little we know, how far away we are.

Cantoni’s work belongs to a tradition of ambivalence about pictures. And yet, unlike Warhol and Richter, or for that matter Struth or Ruff, Cantoni makes images that seldom feel aloof. On the contrary, they have a kind of delicate earnestness, a whispered warmth. Cantoni labors with the steady attentiveness, and also the optimism, of a restorer. What is being restored is our capacity to connect, to engage, to imagine. But there’s not entreaty here, no obligations. Cantoni’s art offers a subtler kind of incitement, more compelling because it is almost invisible.

Cronaca e storia sono due termini che vengono spesso considerati sinonimi.

I loro significati presentano tuttavia delle differenze che vengono amplificate dal contesto in cui sono utilizzati.

La cronaca, come da vocabolario, consiste nel “descrivere l’avvicendamento dei fatti secondo l’ordine dei tempi”, la storia nel “narrare e interpretare lo svolgimento della civiltà umana nelle sue più svariate forme”. Già in questo confronto un po’ burocratico emergono due macroscopiche divergenze a proposito dei compiti, delle azioni di rispettiva competenza: la cronaca si occupa di “descrivere”, la storia di “narrare e interpretare”. Inoltre l’oggetto di queste azioni è, nel primo caso, “l’avvicendamento dei fatti”, nel secondo “lo svolgimento della civiltà umana”.

Può forse sembrare eccessivo dire che la cronaca sta lentamente sostituendo la storia. Eppure è sempre più raro trovare “narrazioni e interpretazioni” – magari fornite da quella che un tempo si chiamava cultura – che rompano la monotonia delle consuete “descrizioni” fornite dai media: non è per ragioni occasionali che “cronaca” rappresenta il sostantivo di riferimento dell’attività giornalistica. Perdere di vista il senso della storia, rinunciando al carattere narrativo che immancabilmente la caratterizza, significa depotenziare la percezione della realtà, ridurla a un’attività di superficie che elude la profondità anche tragica che le è propria, e soprattutto abdicare al compito di interpretarla, di sottoporla a un giudizio.

La sostituzione della storia con la cronaca riguarda anche la pittura: soprattutto quella che scopiazza i media, ne ricalca la facilità, la passività fruitiva, finendo col replicarne gli esiti di svuotamento del senso e di omologazione espressiva. Forse l’unico antidoto a questo avvelenamento da pittura facile è una pittura intenzionalmente difficile, persino un po’ faticosa, come quella di Davide Cantoni.

Sforzare lo sguardo, dettargli delle condizioni con cui misurarsi consapevolmente, determina un inevitabile affinamento della percezione, ma soprattutto un progresso della capacità di interpretare le immagini. La necessità di individuare il corretto punto di vista, di assumere la posizione più adeguata per riuscire a cogliere le figure che affiorano dai dipinti di Cantoni, stimola questo avanzamento, e suggerisce alcune indicazioni sul valore metaforico di una pittura otticamente mutevole.

La storia insegna che la visione della realtà cambia a seconda della prospettiva con cui la si inquadra. Questa medesima ‘lezione’ può essere rintracciata anche nelle opere di Cantoni. “Corruzione in Perù” o “G 8” possono sembrare, a seconda della ‘posizione’ – nel senso anche metaforico del termine – da cui li si osserva, delle superfici bianche pervase da un fremito variabile, o delle scene che documentano in modo istantaneo degli eventi ormai trascorsi, ma che non cessano di condizionare il presente. L’attitudine a intravedere dei ‘fatti’ nella variabilità continua dei fremiti che caratterizzano il tempo è il primo livello di cognizione della storia.

La cronaca, tuttavia, per aspirare a farsi storia, deve subire qualcosa di simile a un ‘rito purificatorio’ che la privi del suo lato effimero, del suo carattere ‘di consumo’. Come in ogni purificazione che si rispetti, non può mancare il fuoco, che nelle opere di Cantoni ha un ruolo evidente. I disegni tratti da fotografie pubblicate sul New York Times vengono bruciati minuziosamente con una lente di ingrandimento, fino a ridursi a una sorta di scheletro, di guscio dell’immagine. Il vuoto virtuale che caratterizza la cronaca, il senso di vacuità che emana dal flusso indistinto di notizie fornite dai media, viene annullato da un vuoto reale, da una cavità in cui è possibile scorgere il residuo di quel significato storico che gli eventi non cessano di possedere.

Forse non può esistere una ‘pittura della storia’ che non si misuri con la storia della pittura. Per questo i quadri più recenti di Cantoni si inseriscono, in modo del tutto peculiare, all’interno di una tradizione che ha determinato la storia dell’arte del novecento. Parlare di ‘pittura astratta’, per le opere intitolate “Codice”, può sembrare quantomeno anacronistico, ma l’intento di Cantoni è proprio quello di sottrarsi a una definizione temporale precisa e a un contesto ‘attuale’. Il concetto di attualità sta soppiantando quello di contemporaneità, proprio come la cronaca sta sostituendo la storia. I “Codici” sono contemporanei in quanto si pongono il problema perenne della modalità di lettura delle immagini, del loro significato recondito. E’ pleonastico aggiungere che tale problema si può affrontare solo quando, come in queste opere, c’è un significato da decifrare.

The War of a Thousand Days 1899-1903, Columbia, Panama (then a province) Civil War † 100,000 Second Boer War 1899-1902, Transvaal, Orange Free State, Cape Colony (South Africa) British Empire (British India & Australia), Transvaal (South African Republic) and the Orange Free State † 30,237, † Civilian 27,927 Somali Rebellion 1899-1905, Somalia Somalia, British Empire, Italy, Ethiopia † 6,000 Philippine Insurrection 1899-1902, Philippines Philippines and US † 26,196, † Civilian ~34,000-1,000,000 Boxer Rebellion 1899-1901 China China, Japan, UK, Russia † 22,500, † Civilian 18,952 Russo-Manchurian War 1900, Manchuria Russia, Japan † 4,000
The War of a Thousand Days 1899-1903, Civil War Columbia, Panama † 100,000 Second Boer War 1899-1902, Transvaal, Orange Free State, Cape Colony (South Africa) British Empire (British India & Australia), Transvaal (South African Republic) and the Orange Free State † 30,237, † Civilian 27,927 Somali Rebellion 1899-1905, Somalia Somalia, British Empire, Italy, Ethiopia † 6,000 Philippine Insurrection 1899-1902, Philippines Philippines and US † 26,196, † Civilian ~34,000-1,000,000 Boxer Rebellion 1899-1901, China China, Japan, UK, Russia † 22,500, † Civilian 18,952
The War of a Thousand Days 1899-1903, Civil War Columbia, Panama † 100,000 Second Boer War 1899-1902, Transvaal, Orange Free State, Cape Colony (South Africa) British Empire (British India & Australia), Transvaal (South African Republic) and the Orange Free State † 30,237, † Civilian 27,927 Somali Rebellion 1899-1905, Somalia Somalia, British Empire, Italy, Ethiopia † 6,000 Philippine Insurrection 1899-1902, Philippines Philippines and US † 26,196, † Civilian ~34,000-1,000,000
The War of a Thousand Days 1899-1903, Civil War Columbia, Panama † 100,000 Somali Rebellion 1899-1905, Somalia Somalia, British Empire, Italy, Ethiopia † 6,000 Ilinden Uprising 1903, Macedonia, Thrace Ottoman Empire, Macedonia, Bulgaria †4,000
Somali Rebellion 1899-1905, Somalia Somalia, British Empire, Italy, Ethiopia † 6,000 Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 Manchuria, Korea (through Korea)-Naval Battles Japan and Russia † 130,000 South West African Revolt 1904-1907, Modern day Namibia Herero and Nama tribes vs. German settlers (First genocide of 20th c.) † 80,000 Uruguay 1904 Uruguay Civil War(Blancos vs. Colorados) † 1,000
Somali Rebellion 1899-1905, Somalia Somalia, British Empire, Italy, Ethiopia † 6,000 Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 Manchuria, Korea (through Korea)-Naval Battles Japan and Russia † 130,000 South West African Revolt 1904-1907, Modern day Namibia Herero and Nama tribes vs. German settlers (First genocide of 20th c.) † 80,000 Maji-Maji Revolt 1905-1907, modern day Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi Germany and German East Africa † 150,000 Russian Revolt of 1905 1905- 1906, Russia Civil War † 1,000
South West African Revolt 1904-1907, Modern day Namibia Herero and Nama tribes vs. German settlers (First genocide of 20th c.) † 80,000 Maji-Maji Revolt 1905-1907, modern day Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi Germany and German East Africa † 150,000 Russian Revolt of 1905 1905- 1906, Russia Civil War † 1,000 Second Zulu War 1906, Natal province of British South Africa Zulu tribe and British forces † 5,000 Third Central American War 1906, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador † 1,000
South West African Revolt 1904-1907, Modern day Namibia Herero and Nama tribes vs. German settlers (First genocide of 20th c.) † 80,000 Maji-Maji Revolt 1905-1907, modern day Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi Germany and German East Africa † 150,000 Romania 1907, Romania Civil War † 2,000 Morocco 1907- 1908 Morocco (against foreign workers in Casablanca) † 1,200 Fourth Central American War 1907 Honduras Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador † 1,000
Morocco 1907- 1908 Morocco (against foreign workers in Casablanca) † 1,200 Iran 1908-1909, Iran Civil War † 1,100
Iran 1908–1909, Iran Civil War † 1,100 Spanish–Moroccan War 1909–1910, Morocco Spain, Morocco † 2,517
Spanish-Moroccan War 1909-1910, Morocco Spain, Morocco † 2,517 Mexican War 1910-1920, Mexico Civil War † ~1,000,000 – 2,500,000
Mexican War 1910-1920, Mexico Civil War † ~1,000,000 – 2,500,000 Paraguay 1911-1912, Paraguay Civil War † 2,000 Morocco 1911 Morocco l Civil War † 1,000 Morocco 1911-1912, Morocco France, Spain, Morocco (Colonial) † 1,000 Italo-Turkish War 1911-19212, Libya, Dodecanese Islands Italy, Ottoman Empire † 20,000 Tibetan War of Independence 1911-1912, Tibet Civil War † 2,000 Chinese Revolution 1911, China Civil War (Emperor’s army vs. army rebels) † 1,000
Mexican War 1910-1920, Mexico Civil War † ~1,000,000 – 2,500,000 Paraguay 1911-1912, Paraguay Civil War † 2,000 Morocco 1911-1912, Morocco France, Spain, Morocco (Colonial) † 1,000 Italo-Turkish War 1911-19212, Libya, Dodecanese Islands Italy, Ottoman Empire † 20,000 Tibetan War of Independence 1911-1912, Tibet Civil War † 2,000 First Balkan War 1912-1913, Balkan Peninsula (Macedonia, Greece, Albania, Serbia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Montenegro) Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro vs. Ottoman Empire † 82,000
Mexican War 1910-1920, Mexico Civil War † ~1,000,000 – 2,500,000 First Balkan War 1912-1913, Balkan Peninsula (Macedonia, Greece, Albania, Serbia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Montenegro) Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro vs. Ottoman Empire † 82,000 Second Balkan War 1913, Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Ottoman Empire, Romania Serbia, Greece, Romania vs. Bulgaria over Macedonian territory † 184,000 China 1913-1914, China Civil War † 5,000
Mexican War 1910-1920, Mexico Civil War † ~1,000,000 – 2,500,000 China 1913-1914, China Civil War † 5,000 World War I 1914-1919, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Pacific Islands Australia, Austria-Hungary, Belgian Congo, Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Germany, Ghana, Guinea, Indian Empire, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, Dominion of Newfoundland, New Zealand, Nigeria, Ottoman Empire, Republic of the Congo, Russian Empire, Rwanda, Kingdom of Serbia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Vietnam, Zambia † a range between 15,000,000 and 65,000,000 (High esitmate includes SpanishFlu) see 1919 for details
Mexican War 1910-1920, Mexico Civil War † ~1,000,000 – 2,500,000 World War I 1914-1919, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Pacific Islands Australia, Austria-Hungary, Belgian Congo, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Germany, Ghana, Guinea, Indian Empire, Italy, Kenya, Macedonia, Malawi, Mali, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, Dominion of Newfoundland, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Ottoman Empire, Republic of the Congo, Russian Empire, Rwanda, Kingdom of Serbia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Vietnam, Zambia. † ~15,000,000 and 65,000,000 (see 1919 for details) Armenian Massacres 1915-1923, Armenia Armenia, Ottoman Empire † 1.500,000
Mexican War 1910-1920, Mexico Civil War † ~1,000,000 – 2,500,000 World War I 1914-1919, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Pacific Islands Australia, Austria-Hungary, Belgian Congo, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Germany, Ghana, Guinea, Indian Empire, Italy, Kenya, Macedonia, Malawi, Mali, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, Dominion of Newfoundland, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Republic of the Congo, Romania, Russian Empire, Rwanda, Kingdom of Serbia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Vietnam, Zambia. † ~15,000,000 and 65,000,000 (see 1919 for details) Armenian Massacres 1915-1923, Armenia Armenia, Ottoman Empire † 1.500,000 Ireland 1916-1921 Ireland IRA vs. UK † unknown Morocco 1916- 1917, Morocco Spain, France, Morocco † 2,000
Mexican War 1910-1920, Mexico Civil War † ~1,000,000 – 2,500,000 World War I 1914-1919, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Pacific Islands Australia, Austria-Hungary, Belgian Congo, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guinea, Indian Empire, Italy, Kenya, Macedonia, Malawi, Mali, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, Dominion of Newfoundland, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Republic of the Congo, Romania, Rwanda, Kingdom of Serbia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, United States of America, Vietnam, Zambia. † ~15,000,000 and 65,000,000 (see 1919 for details) Armenian Massacres 1915-1923, Armenia Armenia, Ottoman Empire † 1.500,000 Ireland 1916-1921 Ireland IRA vs. UK † unknown Morocco 1916- 1917, Morocco Spain, France, Morocco † 2,000 China 1917-1918, China Civil War † 1,000 Russian Revolutions 1917-1921, Russia Colonial- tied in with Russian Civil War † 300,000 Russian Civil War 1917-1921, Russia Civil War † 500,000
Mexican War 1910-1920, Mexico Civil War † ~1,000,000 – 2,500,000 World War I 1914-1919, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Pacific Islands Australia, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Guinea, Indian Empire, Italy, Kenya, Macedonia, Montenegro, Dominion of Newfoundland, New Zealand, Norway, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Republic of the Congo, Romania, Rwanda, Kingdom of Serbia, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, United States of America, Vietnam, Zambia. † ~15,000,000 and 65,000,000 (see 1919 for details) Armenian Massacres 1915-1923, Armenia Armenia, Ottoman Empire † 1.500,000 Ireland 1916-1921 Ireland IRA vs. UK † unknown China 1917-1918, China Civil War † 1,000 Russian Revolutions 1917-1921, Russia Colonial- tied in with Russian Civil War † 300,000 Russian Civil War 1917-1921, Russia Civil War † 500,000 Finland 1918, Finland Civil War † 20,000 First Sino-Tibetan War 1918, Tibet Tibet, China † 1,000
Mexican War 1910-1920, Mexico Civil War † ~1,000,000 – 2,500,000 World War I 1914-1919, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Pacific Islands Australia, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Guinea, Indian Empire, Italy, Kenya, Macedonia, Montenegro, Dominion of Newfoundland, New Zealand, Norway, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Republic of the Congo, Romania, Rwanda, Kingdom of Serbia, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, United States of America, Vietnam, Zambia. Total deaths from World War 1: Algeria † 26,000 Australia † 61,928 Austria-Hungary † 1,567,000 Belgian Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo):† 5,000 Belgium † 120,637 Benin (French West Africa) † 2,000 Bulgaria † 100,000 Burkina Faso (French West Africa) † 2,000 Cameroon (Kamerun) † 5,000 Canada † 66,944 Central African Republic (Ubangi-Shari) † 1,000 Chad (French Equatorial Africa) † 1,500 Côte d'Ivoire (1914 part of French West Africa) † 2,000 France † 1,697,800 German Empire † 2,476,897 Ghana (Gold Coast) † 1,200 Greece † 176,000 Guinea (French West Africa) † 2,500 Indian Empire † 74,187 Italy † 1,240,000 Kenya (British East Africa) † 2,000 Luxembourg (under German control but served both sides) † 2,500 Madagascar † 2,500 Malawi (Nyasaland) † 3,000 Mali (French West Africa) † 10,000 Montenegro † 3,000 Morocco (French protectorate of Morocco) † 8,000 Namibia (German South-West Africa) † 10,000 Dominion of Newfoundland † 1,204 New Zealand † 18,050 Niger (French West Africa) † 1,000 Nigeria (British West Africa) † 5,000 Norway † 1,892 Ottoman Empire † 2,921,844 Portugal † 89,222 Republic of the Congo (French Equatorial Africa) † 2,000 Romania † 680,000 Russian Empire † 3,311,000 Kingdom of Serbia † 725,000 Senegal (French West Africa) † 6,000 Sierra Leone (British West Africa) † 1,000 South Africa † 9,463 Tanzania (German East Africa) † 20,000 Togo (German Togoland) † 2,000 Tunisia (French Tunisia) † 2,000 Uganda (Uganda Protectorate) † 1,500 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland † 1,225,914 United States † 117,465 Vietnam (French Indochina) † 12,000 Zambia (Northern Rhodesia) † 3,000 Total † 21,228,813 † ~15,000,000 and 65,000,000 (High estimate includes Spanish Flu) Armenian Massacres 1915-1923, Armenia Armenia, Ottoman Empire † 1.500,000 Ireland 1916-1921, Ireland IRA vs. UK † unknown Russian Revolutions 1917-1921, Russia Colonial- tied in with Russian Civil War † 300,000 Russian Civil War 1917-1921, Russia Civil War † 500,000 Third Afghan War 1919, Afghanistan UK, Afghanistan † 2,200 Franco-Turkish War 1919-1921, Turkey, Cyprus, Iraq France, Turkey † 40,000 Greco-Turkish War 1919-1922, Turkey Greece, Turkey † 59,125 Lithuania vs. Poland 1919-1920, Lithuania Lithuania, Poland † 1,000 Hungary 1919-1920, Hungary Civil War † 4,000 Hungary 1919, Hungary Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania † 11,000 Russo-Polish War 1919-1920, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia Russia, Ukraine and Poland † 246,250
Mexican War 1910-1920, Mexico Civil War † ~1,000,000 – 2,500,000 Armenian Massacres 1915-1923, Armenia Armenia, Ottoman Empire † 1.500,000 Ireland 1916-1921 Ireland IRA vs. UK † unknown Russian Revolutions 1917-1921, Russia Colonial- tied in with Russian Civil War † 300,000 Russian Civil War 1917-1921, Russia Civil War † 500,000 Franco-Turkish War 1919-1921, Turkey, Cyprus, Iraq France, Turkey † 40,000 Greco-Turkish War 1919-1922, Turkey Greece, Turkey † 59,125 Lithuania vs. Poland 1919-1920, Lithuania Lithuania, Poland † 1,000 Hungary 1919-1920, Hungary Civil War † 4,000 Russo-Polish War 1919-1920, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia Russia, Ukraine and Poland † 246,250 Invasion of Azerbaijan 1920, Azerbaijan Soviet Union, Azerbaijan † ~20,000-30,000 Sanusi Resistance 1920-1932, Libya Libya, Italy † 40,000 Franco-Syrian War 1920, Syria France, Syria † 5,000 Iraq 1920-1921, Area: Iraq UK, Iraq † 2,000
Armenian Massacres 1915-1923, Armenia Armenia, Ottoman Empire † 1.500,000 Ireland 1916-1921 Ireland IRA vs. UK † unknown Russian Revolutions 1917-1921, Russia Colonial- tied in with Russian Civil War † 300,000 Russian Civil War 1917-1921, Russia Civil War † 500,000 Franco-Turkish War 1919-1921, Turkey, Cyprus, Iraq France, Turkey † 40,000 Greco-Turkish War 1919-1922, Turkey Greece, Turkey † 59,125 Sanusi Resistance 1920-1932, Libya Libya, Italy † 40,000 Iraq 1920-1921, Area: Iraq UK, Iraq † 2,000 Free Staters vs. Irregulars 1921-1922, Ireland Ireland † 4,000 The Rif War 1921-1926, Morocco Spain, Morocco (1924 French intervene and lose 12,000 troops † 45,000
Armenian Massacres 1915-1923, Armenia Armenia, Ottoman Empire † 1.500,000 Greco-Turkish War 1919-1922, Turkey Greece, Turkey † 59,125 Sanusi Resistance 1920-1932, Libya Libya, Italy † 40,000 Free Staters vs. Irregulars 1921-1922, Ireland Ireland † 4,000 The Rif War 1921-1926, Morocco Spain, Morocco (1924 French intervene and lose 12,000 troops † 45,000
Armenian Massacres 1915-1923, Armenia Armenia, Ottoman Empire † 1.500,000 Sanusi Resistance 1920-1932, Libya Libya, Italy † 40,000 The Rif War 1921-1926, Morocco Spain, Morocco (1924 French intervene and lose 12,000 troops † 45,000
Sanusi Resistance 1920-1932, Libya Libya, Italy † 40,000 The Rif War 1921-1926, Morocco Spain, Morocco (1924 French intervene and lose 12,000 troops † 45,000 Afghanistan 1924-1925, Afghanistan Civil War † 1,500 Honduras 1924, Honduras Coup d’état † 1,000
Sanusi Resistance 1920-1932, Libya Libya, Italy † 40,000 The Rif War 1921-1926, Morocco Spain, Morocco (1924 French intervene and lose 12,000 troops † 45,000 Afghanistan 1924-1925, Afghanistan Civil War † 1,500 Druze Revolt 1925-1927, Syria, Lebanon Syria, France, Senegal, Morocco (both as French territories) † 8,000
Sanusi Resistance 1920-1932, Libya Libya, Italy † 40,000 The Rif War 1921-1926, Morocco Spain, Morocco (1924 French intervene and lose 12,000 troops † 45,000 Druze Revolt 1925-1927, Syria, Lebanon Syria, France, Senegal, Morocco (both as French territories) † 8,000 China, Northern Expedition 1926-1928, China Civil War † 10,500 Mexico 1926-1930, Mexico Cristeros vs. Government † 10,000
Sanusi Resistance 1920-1932, Libya Libya, Italy † 40,000 Druze Revolt 1925-1927, Syria, Lebanon Syria, France, Senegal, Morocco (both as French territories) † 8,000 China, Northern Expedition 1926-1928, China Civil War † 10,500 Mexico 1926-1930, Mexico Cristeros vs. Government † 10,000
Sanusi Resistance 1920-1932, Libya Libya, Italy † 40,000 China, Northern Expedition 1926-1928, China Civil War † 10,500 Mexico 1926-1930, Mexico Cristeros vs. Government † 10,000 Afghanistan 1928-1929, Afghanistan Civil War † 7,500
Sanusi Resistance 1920-1932, Libya Libya, Italy † 40,000 Mexico 1926-1930, Mexico Cristeros vs. Government † 10,000 Afghanistan 1928-1929, Afghanistan Civil War † 7,500 Sino-Soviet War 1929 China Soviet Union, China † 3,200 China 1929-1930 China Civil War † 75,000
Sanusi Resistance 1920-1932, Libya Libya, Italy † 40,000 Mexico 1926-1930, Mexico Cristeros vs. Government † 10,000 China 1929-1930, China Civil War † 75,000 China 1930-1935, China Communists- Civil War † 200,000
Sanusi Resistance 1920-1932, Libya Libya, Italy † 40,000 China 1930-1935, China Communists- Civil War † 200,000 Soviet Invasion of Turkestan 1931-1934, Turkestan Soviet Union, Turkestan † 20,000 Manchurian War 1931-1933, Manchuria Japan, China † 60,000
Sanusi Resistance 1920-1932, Libya Libya, Italy † 40,000 China 1930-1935, China Communists † 200,000 Soviet Invasion of Turkestan 1931-1934, Turkestan Soviet Union, Turkestan † 20,000 Manchurian War 1931-1933, Manchuria Japan, China † 60,000 El Salvador 1932, El Salvador Civil War †~10,000-30,000 Chaco War 1932-1935, Bolivia,Paraguay (Gran Chaco) Bolivia,Paraguay † 130,000 Brazil 1932,Brazil Civil War † 1,000
China 1930-1935, China Communists † 200,000 Soviet Invasion of Turkestan 1931-1934, Turkestan Soviet Union, Turkestan † 20,000 Manchurian War 1931-1933, Manchuria Japan, China † 60,000 Chaco War 1932-1935, Bolivia, Paraguay (Gran Chaco) Bolivia, Paraguay † 130,000
China 1930-1935, China Communists † 200,000 Soviet Invasion of Turkestan 1931-1934, Turkestan Soviet Union, Turkestan † 20,000 Chaco War 1932-1935, Bolivia, Paraguay (Gran Chaco) Bolivia, Paraguay † 130,000 Spain 1934, Spain Civil War (socialists vs. government) † 1,300 Austria- Civil Conflict Area: Austria 1934, (Christian Socialist vs. Social Democratic Party) †1,000
China 1930-1935, China Communists- † 200,000 Chaco War 1932-1935, Bolivia, Paraguay (Gran Chaco) Bolivia, Paraguay † 130,000 Italo-Ethiopian War 1935-1936, Ethiopia Ethiopia, Italy † 20,000
Italo-Ethiopian War 1935-1936, Ethiopia Ethiopia, Italy † 20,000 Spain 1936-1939, Spain Civil War - with foreign intervention (Fascists vs. Nationalists), Germany (19,000 troops fought), Italy (75,000 troops) and Portugal (12,000 troops/volunteers). Several other countries sent smaller volunteer troops † 660,000 Great Purge 1936-1939, Soviet Union, Mongolia, Poland Mongolia † ~35,000-100,000 executed Soviet Union †~724,000 (Stalin’s executions lasted until his death until 1953) Poland † ~111,000
Spain 1936-1939, Spain Civil War - with foreign intervention (Fascists vs. Nationalists), Germany (19,000 troops fought), Italy (75,000 troops) and Portugal (12,000 troops/volunteers) † 660,000 Great Purge 1936-1939, Soviet Union, Mongolia, Poland Mongolia † ~35,000-100,000 executed Soviet Union †~724,000 (Stalin’s executions lasted until his death until 1953) Poland † ~111,000 Sino-Japanese War 1937-1941, China Japan, China † 1,000,000
Spain 1936-1939, Spain Civil War - with foreign intervention (Fascists vs. Nationalists), Germany (19,000 troops fought), Italy (75,000 troops) and Portugal (12,000 troops/volunteers) † 660,000 Great Purge 1936-1939, Soviet Union, Mongolia, Poland Mongolia † ~35,000-100,000 executed Soviet Union †~724,000 (Stalin’s executions lasted until his death until 1953) Poland † ~111,000 Sino-Japanese War 1937-1941, China Japan, China † 1,000,000 Changkufeng War 1938, Russia Japan and Soviet Union † 1,700
Spain 1936-1939, Spain Civil War - with foreign intervention (Fascists vs. Nationalists), Germany (19,000 troops fought), Italy (75,000 troops) and Portugal (12,000 troops/volunteers) † 660,000 Great Purge 1936-1939, Soviet Union, Mongolia, Poland Mongolia † ~35,000-100,000 executed Soviet Union † ~724,000 (Stalin’s executions lasted until his death until 1953) Poland † ~111,000 Sino-Japanese War 1937-1941, China Japan, China † 1,000,000 Nomohan War 1939, Mongolia Monogolia, Soviet Union, Japan † 28,000 Russo-Finnish War (The Winter War) 1939-1940, Finland Soviet Union, Finland † 90,000 World War II 1939-1945, Europe, Asia Albania, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Newfoundland, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Soviet Union, United Kingdom † ~ 50,000,000 - 78,000,000 (see 1945 for details)
Sino-Japanese War 1937-1941, China Japan, China † 1,000,000 Russo-Finnish War (The Winter War) 1939-1940, Finland Soviet Union, Finland † 90,000 World War II 1939-1945, Europe, Asia, Africa Albania, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Iran, Japan (including Korea), Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Mongolia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Newfoundland, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Soviet Union, United Kingdom † ~ 50,000,000 - 78,000,000 (see 1945 for details)
Sino-Japanese War 1937-1941, China Japan, China † 1,000,000 World War II 1939-1945, Europe, Asia, Africa, Europe, Asia, South Pacific, United States Albania, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Burma, Cambodia, Canada, China, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Iran, Japan (including Korea), Laos, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Malaya, Mongolia, Nepal, Netherlands, Newfoundland, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, Soviet Union, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, U.S.A., Vietnam † ~ 50,000,000 - 78,000,000 (see 1945 for details)
World War II 1939-1945, Europe, Asia, Africa, Europe, Asia, South Pacific Albania, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Burma, Cambodia, Canada, China, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Iran, Japan (including Korea), Laos, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Malaya, Mongolia, Morocco (Goumiers), Nepal, Netherlands, Newfoundland, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Portuguese Timor, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, Soviet Union, Spain, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Thailand, Tunisia, United Kingdom, U.S.A., Vietnam † ~ 50,000,000 - 78,000,000 (see 1945 for details)
World War II 1939-1945, Europe, Asia, Africa, Europe, Asia, South Pacific Albania, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Burma, Canada, China, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Iran, Japan (including Korea), Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Mongolia, Morocco (Goumiers), Nepal, Netherlands, Newfoundland, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Portuguese Timor, Romania, South Africa, Soviet Union, Spain, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Thailand, Tunisia, United Kingdom, U.S.A. † ~ 50,000,000 - 78,000,000 (see 1945 for details)
World War II 1939-1945, Europe, Asia, Africa, Europe, Asia, South Pacific Albania, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Canada, China, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Iran, Japan (including Korea), Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Mongolia, Morocco (Goumiers), Nepal, Netherlands, Newfoundland, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Portuguese Timor, Romania, South Africa, Soviet Union, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, United Kingdom, U.S.A. † ~ 50,000,000 - 78,000,000 (see 1945 for details)
World War II 1939-1945, Europe, Asia, Africa, Europe, Asia, South Pacific Albania, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Canada, China, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Iran, Japan (including Korea), Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Mongolia, Morocco (Goumiers), Nepal, Netherlands, Newfoundland, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Portuguese Timor, Romania, South Africa, Soviet Union, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, United Kingdom, U.S.A. Total deaths from World War II: Albania † 30,200 Australia † 40,500 Austria † 123,700 Belgium † 86,100 Brazil † 2,000 Bulgaria † 25,000 Burma † 272,000 Canada † 45,300 China † 10,000-20,000 Czechoslovakia † 345,000 Denmark † 3,200 Dutch East Indies † 3,030,000-4,030,000 Estonia † 51,000 Ethiopia † 100,000 Finland † 97,000 France † 567,600 French Indochina † 1,000,000-1,500,000 Germany † 6,593,000-8,863,000 Greece † 311,300-805,100 Hungary † 580,000 India † 1,587,000-2,587,000 Italy † 456,000 Japan † 2,700,000 Korea † 378,000-533,000 Latvia † 227,000 Lithuania † 353,000 Luxembourg † 2,000 Malaya † 100,000 Malta † 1,500 Netherlands † 301,000 Newfoundland † 1,100 New Zealand † 11,900 Norway † 9,500 Papua and New Guinea † 15,000 Philippines † 557,000-1,057,000 Poland † 5,620,000-5,820,000 Portuguese Timor † 40,000-70,000 Romania † 833,000 Rwanda + Burundi † 0-300,000 Singapore † 50,000 South Africa † 11,900 South Pacific Mandate † 57,000 Soviet Union (including Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania) † 23,954,000 Spain † 4,500 Thailand † 5,900 United Kingdom † 449,800 United States † 418,500 Yugoslavia † 1,027,000 Total Civilians † ~ 40,000,000 - 52,000,000 including ~ 13,000,000 - 20,000,000 from war-related disease and famine and ~ 6,000,000 jewish holocaust Total Military † ~ 22,000,000 - 25,000,000 including ~ 5,000,000 prisoners of war
Greece 1946-1949, Greece Civil War † 160,000 China 1946-1950, China Civi War (Kuomintang vs. Communists) † 1,200,000 Indochina 1945-1954, Vietnam Vietnam, France (Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam’s independence) † 600,000 Indonesia 1945-1946, Indonesia Indonesia, Holland, United Kingdom (Indonesia declares independence) † 5,000
Greece 1946-1949, Greece Civil War † 160,000 China 1946-1950, China Civi War (Kuomintang vs. Communists) † 1,200,000 Indochina 1945-1954, Vietnam Vietnam, France (Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam’s independence) † 600,000 Paraguay 1947, Paraguay Civi War † 1,000 Madagascar 1947-1948, Madagascar France, Madagascar (tribes revolted) † 5,000 China vs.Taiwan 1947, Taiwan China, Taiwan † 1,000 Partition of British India 1947-1948, India Pakistan India,Pakistan † ~200,000-500,000 died First Kashmir War 1947-1949, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 2,500
Greece 1946-1949, Greece Civil War † 160,000 China 1946-1950, China Civi War (Kuomintang vs. Communists) † 1,200,000 Indochina 1945-1954, Vietnam Vietnam, France (Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam’s independence) † 600,000 Madagascar 1947-1948, Madagascar France, Madagascar (tribes revolted) † 5,000 Partition of British India 1947-1948, India Pakistan India,Pakistan † ~200,000-500,000 died First Kashmir War 1947-1949, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 2,500 Costa Rica 1948, Costa Rica Civil War † 2,000 Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 North Yemen 1948, North Yemen Civil War † 4,000 India 1948, India India (Muslims refuse relocation) † 2,000 Burma 1948-1951, Burma Civil War † 8,000 Malayan Rebellion 1948-1957, Southeast Asia (Malaysia) British Empire, Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA) † 13,000
Greece 1946-1949, Greece Civil War † 160,000 China 1946-1950, China Civil War (Kuomintang vs. Communists) † 1,200,000 Indochina 1945-1954, Vietnam Vietnam, France (Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam’s independence) † 600,000 First Kashmir War 1947-1949, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 2,500 Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Burma 1948-1951, Burma Civil War † 8,000 Malayan Rebellion 1948-1957, Southeast Asia (Malaysia) British Empire, Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA) †13,000
China 1946-1950, China Civil War (Kuomintang vs. Communists) † 1,200,000 Indochina 1945-1954, Vietnam Vietnam, France (Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam’s independence) † 600,000 Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Burma 1948-1951, Burma Civil War † 8,000 Malayan Rebellion 1948-1957, Southeast Asia (Malaysia) British Empire, Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA) † 13,000 Indonesia 1950, Indonesia Civil War † 5,000 Second Sino-Tibetan War 1950-1951, Tibet China, Tibet † 1,000 Philippines 1950-1952, Philippines Civil War † 9,000 Korean War 1950-1953, Korean Peninsula North and South Korea,China, US, UK, UN † ~1,900,000-2,500,000
Indochina 1945-1954, Vietnam Vietnam, France (Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam’s independence) † 600,000 Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Burma 1948-1951, Burma Civil War † 8,000 Malayan Rebellion 1948-1957, Southeast Asia (Malaysia) British Empire, Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA) †13,000 Second Sino-Tibetan War 1950-1951, Tibet China, Tibet † 1,000 Philippines 1950-1952, Philippines Civil War † 9,000 Korean War 1950-1953, Korean Peninsula North and South Korea,China, US, UK, UN † ~1,900,000-2,500,000
Indochina 1945-1954, Vietnam Vietnam, France (Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam’s independence) † 600,000 Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Malayan Rebellion 1948-1957, Southeast Asia (Malaysia) British Empire, Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA) †13,000 Philippines 1950-1952, Philippines Civil War † 9,000 Korean War 1950-1953, Korean Peninsula North and South Korea,China, US, UK, UN † ~1,900,000-2,500,000 Bolivia 1952, Bolivia Civil War † 1,000 Tunisian Independence 1952-1954, Tunisia Tunisia, France (nationalists vs. settlers) † 3,000 Mau Mau Uprising 1952-1956, Kenya Kenya, UK (Colonial) † 11,000
Indochina 1945-1954, Vietnam Vietnam, France (Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam’s independence) † 600,000 Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Malayan Rebellion 1948-1957, Southeast Asia (Malaysia) British Empire, Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA) †13,000 Korean War 1950-1953, Korean Peninsula North and South Korea,China, US, UK, UN † ~1,900,000-2,500,000 Tunisian Independence 1952-1954, Tunisia Tunisia, France (nationalists vs. settlers) † 3,000 Mau Mau Uprising 1952-1956, Kenya Kenya, UK (Colonial) † 11,000 Morocco 1953-1956, Morocco Morocco, France, Spain (Colonial) † 3,000 Indonesia 1953, Indonesia Civil War (secessionists claiming area for Muslims) † 1,000
Indochina 1945-1954, Vietnam Vietnam, France (Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam’s independence) † 600,000 Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Malayan Rebellion 1948-1957, Southeast Asia (Malaysia) British Empire, Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA) †13,000 Tunisian Independence 1952-1954, Tunisia Tunisia, France (nationalists vs. settlers) † 3,000 Mau Mau Uprising 1952-1956, Kenya Kenya, UK (Colonial) † 11,000 Morocco 1953-1956, Morocco Morocco, France, Spain (Colonial) † 3,000 Algerian War 1954-1962, Algeria France, Algeria (Colonial) † ~960,000 Guatemala 1954, Guatemala Civil War † 1,000
Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Malayan Rebellion 1948-1957, Southeast Asia (Malaysia) British Empire, Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA) †13,000 Mau Mau Uprising 1952-1956, Kenya Kenya, UK (Colonial) † 11,000 Morocco 1953-1956, Morocco Morocco, France, Spain (Colonial) † 3,000 Algerian War 1954-1962, Algeria France, Algeria (Colonial) † ~960,000 Cameroon 1955-1960, Cameroon Cameroon, France (Colonial) † 32,000 Argentina 1955, Argentina Civil War † 3,000
Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Malayan Rebellion 1948-1957, Southeast Asia (Malaysia) British Empire, Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA) †13,000 Mau Mau Uprising 1952-1956, Kenya Kenya, UK (Colonial) † 11,000 Morocco 1953-1956, Morocco Morocco, France, Spain (Colonial) † 3,000 Algerian War 1954-1962, Algeria France, Algeria (Colonial) † ~960,000 Cameroon 1955-1960, Cameroon Cameroon, France (Colonial) † 32,000 Sinai War 1956, Egypt, Suez Canal Israel, Egypt † 3,200 Hungarian Revolt 1956, Hungary Hungary, Soviet Union † 10,000 Tibet 1956-1959, Tibet Tibet, China (Colonial) † 100,000 Indonesia 1956-1960, Indonesia Civil War (Regional dissidents vs. government) † 30,000
Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Malayan Rebellion 1948-1957, Southeast Asia (Malaysia) British Empire, Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA) †13,000 Algerian War 1954-1962, Algeria France, Algeria (Colonial) † ~960,000 Cameroon 1955-1960, Cameroon Cameroon, France (Colonial) † 32,000 Tibet 1956-1959, Tibet Tibet, China (Colonial) † 100,000 Indonesia 1956-1960, Indonesia Civil War (Regional dissidents vs. government) † 30,000
Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Algerian War 1954-1962, Algeria France, Algeria (Colonial) † ~960,000 Cameroon 1955-1960, Cameroon Cameroon, France (Colonial) † 32,000 Tibet 1956-1959, Tibet Tibet, China (Colonial) † 100,000 Indonesia 1956-1960, Indonesia Civil War (Regional dissidents vs. government) † 30,000 Cuban Revolution 1958-1959, Cuba Civil War † 5,000 Lebanon 1958, Lebanon Civil War † 1,400
Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Algerian War 1954-1962, Algeria France, Algeria (Colonial) † ~960,000 Cameroon 1955-1960, Cameroon Cameroon, France (Colonial) † 32,000 Tibet 1956-1959, Tibet Tibet, China (Colonial) † 100,000 Indonesia 1956-1960, Indonesia Civil War (Regional dissidents vs. government) † 30,000 Cuban Revolution 1958-1959, Cuba Civil War † 5,000 Iraq 1959, Iraq Civil War † 2,000
Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Algerian War 1954-1962, Algeria France, Algeria (Colonial) † ~960,000 Cameroon 1955-1960, Cameroon Cameroon, France (Colonial) † 32,000 Indonesia 1956-1960, Indonesia Civil War (Regional dissidents vs. government) † 30,000 Congo Crisis 1960-1965, Congo Congo, Belgium † 100,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China, US † ~5,500,000 Laos 1960-1962, Laos Civil War † 5,000
Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Algerian War 1954-1962, Algeria France, Algeria (Colonial) † ~960,000 Congo Crisis 1960-1965, Congo Congo, Belgium † 100,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China, US † ~5,500,000 Laos 1960-1962, Laos Civil War † 5,000 Kurdistan 1961-1963, Iraq Iraq, Kurdish Guerillas † unknown Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000
Colombia 1948-1962, Colombia Civil War (La Violencia) † 3,000,000 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Algerian War 1954-1962, Algeria France, Algeria (Colonial) † ~960,000 Congo Crisis 1960-1965, Congo Congo, Belgium † 100,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China, US † ~5,500,000 Laos 1960-1962, Laos Civil War † 5,000 Kurdistan 1961-1963, Iraq Iraq, Kurdish Guerillas † unknown Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000 Sino-Indian War 1962,India, Kashmir India, China † 1,900 North Yemen 1962-1969, North Yemen Civil War † 100,000 Algeria 1962-1963, Algeria Civil War † 1,500 Guinea-Bissau 1962-1974, Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau, Portugal - (Colonial) † 15,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Congo Crisis 1960-1965, Congo Congo, Belgium † 100,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China, US † ~5,500,000 Kurdistan 1961-1963, Iraq Iraq, Kurdish Guerillas † unknown Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000 North Yemen 1962-1969, North Yemen Civil War † 100,000 Algeria 1962-1963, Algeria Civil War † 1,500 Guinea-Bissau 1962-1974, Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau, Portugal - (Colonial) † 15,000 Rwanda Massacre 1963-1964, Rwanda Rwanda, Burundi † 22,500 Sudan 1963-1972, Sudan Civil War † 250,000 Laos 1963-1973, Laos Civil War † 19,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Congo Crisis 1960-1965, Congo Congo, Belgium † 100,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China,US † ~5,500,000 Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000 North Yemen 1962-1969, North Yemen Civil War † 100,000 Guinea-Bissau 1962-1974, Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau, Portugal - (Colonial) † 15,000 Rwanda Massacre 1963-1964, Rwanda Rwanda, Burundi † 22,500 Sudan 1963-1972, Sudan Civil War † 250,000 Laos 1963-1973, Laos Civil War † 19,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Mozambique 1964-1975, Mozambique Mozambique, Portugal (Colonial) 30,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Congo Crisis 1960-1965, Congo Congo, Belgium † 100,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China,US † ~5,500,000 Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000 North Yemen 1962-1969, North Yemen Civil War † 100,000 Guinea-Bissau 1962-1974, Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau, Portugal - (Colonial) † 15,000 Sudan 1963-1972, Sudan Civil War † 250,000 Laos 1963-1973, Laos Civil War † 19,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Mozambique 1964-1975, Mozambique Mozambique, Portugal (Colonial) 30,000 Second Kashmir War 1965, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 5,000 Dominican Republic 1965, Dominican Republic Civil War † 2,500 Indonesia 1965-1966, Indonesia Civil War † 78,000 - 2,000,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China,US † ~5,500,000 Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000 North Yemen 1962-1969, North Yemen Civil War † 100,000 Guinea-Bissau 1962-1974, Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau, Portugal - (Colonial) † 15,000 Sudan 1963-1972, Sudan Civil War † 250,000 Laos 1963-1973, Laos Civil War † 19,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Mozambique 1964-1975, Mozambique Mozambique, Portugal (Colonial) 30,000 Indonesia 1965-1966, Indonesia Civil War † 78,000 - 2,000,000 Uganda 1966, Uganda Civil War † 2,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Guatemala 1966-1972, Guatemala Civil War † 58,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China,US † ~5,500,000 Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000 North Yemen 1962-1969, North Yemen Civil War † 100,000 Guinea-Bissau 1962-1974, Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau, Portugal - (Colonial) † 15,000 Sudan 1963-1972, Sudan Civil War † 250,000 Laos 1963-1973, Laos Civil War † 19,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Mozambique 1964-1975, Mozambique Mozambique, Portugal (Colonial) 30,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Guatemala 1966-1972, Guatemala Civil War † 58,000 China“Cultural Revolution” 1967-1968, China Civil War † 50,000- 500,000 The Six-Day War 1967, Egypt, Israel, Syria Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan † 20,000 Nigeria 1967-1970, Nigeria Civil War † 1,000,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China,US † ~5,500,000 Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000 North Yemen 1962-1969, North Yemen Civil War † 100,000 Guinea-Bissau 1962-1974, Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau, Portugal - (Colonial) † 15,000 Sudan 1963-1972, Sudan Civil War † 250,000 Laos 1963-1973, Laos Civil War † 19,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Mozambique 1964-1975, Mozambique Mozambique, Portugal (Colonial) 30,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Guatemala 1966-1972, Guatemala Civil War † 58,000 China“Cultural Revolution” 1967-1968, China Civil War † 50,000- 500,000 Nigeria 1967-1970, Nigeria Civil War † 1,000,000 Burma 1968-1980, Burma Civil War † 25,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China,US † ~5,500,000 Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000 North Yemen 1962-1969, North Yemen Civil War † 100,000 Guinea-Bissau 1962-1974, Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau, Portugal - (Colonial) † 15,000 Sudan 1963-1972, Sudan Civil War † 250,000 Laos 1963-1973, Laos Civil War † 19,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Mozambique 1964-1975, Mozambique Mozambique, Portugal (Colonial) 30,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Guatemala 1966-1972, Guatemala Civil War † 58,000 Nigeria 1967-1970, Nigeria Civil War † 1,000,000 Burma 1968-1980, Burma Civil War † 25,000 The War of Attrition 1969-1970, Egypt (Sinai Desert) Israel, Egypt † 5,400 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Football War 1969, Honduras, El Salvador Honduras, El Salvador † 1,900 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China,US † ~5,500,000 Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000 Guinea-Bissau 1962-1974, Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau, Portugal - (Colonial) † 15,000 Sudan 1963-1972, Sudan Civil War † 250,000 Laos 1963-1973, Laos Civil War † 19,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Mozambique 1964-1975, Mozambique Mozambique, Portugal (Colonial) 30,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Guatemala 1966-1972, Guatemala Civil War † 58,000 Nigeria 1967-1970, Nigeria Civil War † 1,000,000 Burma 1968-1980, Burma Civil War † 25,000 The War of Attrition 1969-1970, Egypt (Sinai Desert) Israel, Egypt † 5,400 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Jordan: Black September 1970, Jordan Civil War Jordan, PLO † 2,000 Cambodia 1970-1975, Cambodia Civil War † 160,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China,US † ~5,500,000 Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000 Guinea-Bissau 1962-1974, Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau, Portugal - (Colonial) † 15,000 Sudan 1963-1972, Sudan Civil War † 250,000 Laos 1963-1973, Laos Civil War † 19,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Mozambique 1964-1975, Mozambique Mozambique, Portugal (Colonial) 30,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Guatemala 1966-1972, Guatemala Civil War † 58,000 Burma 1968-1980, Burma Civil War † 25,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Cambodia 1970-1975, Cambodia Civil War † 160,000 Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 1971, East Pakistan (present Bangladesh), India, West Pakistan Pakistan, India † 500,000 Bangladesh War 1971, Bangladesh India, Pakistan † 11,000 Sri Lanka 1971, Sri Lanka Civil War 2,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China,US † ~5,500,000 Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000 Guinea-Bissau 1962-1974, Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau, Portugal - (Colonial) † 15,000 Sudan 1963-1972, Sudan Civil War † 250,000 Laos 1963-1973, Laos Civil War † 19,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Mozambique 1964-1975, Mozambique Mozambique, Portugal (Colonial) 30,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Guatemala 1966-1972, Guatemala Civil War † 58,000 Burma 1968-1980, Burma Civil War † 25,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Cambodia 1970-1975, Cambodia Civil War † 160,000 Philippines 1972-1980, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. Moro National Liberation Front) † 35,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Rhodesia 1972-1979, Rhodesia Civil War (guerillas vs. white minority gov.) † 12,000 Burundi 1972, Burundi Civil War (Hutus vs. republican Tutsi government) † 150,000 (50,000 soldiers, 100,000 civilians massacred by government in retaliation)
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China,US † ~5,500,000 Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000 Guinea-Bissau 1962-1974, Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau, Portugal - (Colonial) † 15,000 Laos 1963-1973, Laos Civil War † 19,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Mozambique 1964-1975, Mozambique Mozambique, Portugal (Colonial) 30,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Burma 1968-1980, Burma Civil War † 25,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Cambodia 1970-1975, Cambodia Civil War † 160,000 Philippines 1972-1980, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. Moro National Liberation Front) † 35,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Rhodesia 1972-1979, Rhodesia Civil War (guerillas vs. white minority gov.) † 12,000 Pakistan 1973-1977, Pakistan Civil War (Baluchi separatists vs. government) † 8,600 Yom Kippur War 1973, Egypt, Israel, Syria Israel, Egypt, Syria † 16,000
1974 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China,US † ~5,500,000 Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000 Guinea-Bissau 1962-1974, Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau, Portugal - (Colonial) † 15,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Mozambique 1964-1975, Mozambique Mozambique, Portugal (Colonial) 30,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Burma 1968-1980, Burma Civil War † 25,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Cambodia 1970-1975, Cambodia Civil War † 160,000 Philippines 1972-1980, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. Moro National Liberation Front) † 35,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Rhodesia 1972-1979, Rhodesia Civil War (guerillas vs. white minority gov.) † 12,000 Pakistan 1973-1977, Pakistan Civil War (Baluchi separatists vs. government) † 8,600 Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 Turco-Cypriot War 1074, Cyprus Turkey, Cyprus † 1,500 Kurdistan 1974-1975, Kurdistan Iraq, Kurdistan † 5,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Vietnam War 1960-1975, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos North Vietnam, South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, China,US † ~5,500,000 Angola-Portugal 1961-1975, Angola Angola, Portugal (Colonial) † 55,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Mozambique 1964-1975, Mozambique Mozambique, Portugal (Colonial) 30,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Burma 1968-1980, Burma Civil War † 25,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Cambodia 1970-1975, Cambodia Civil War † 160,000 Philippines 1972-1980, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. Moro National Liberation Front) † 35,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Rhodesia 1972-1979, Rhodesia Civil War (guerillas vs. white minority gov.) † 12,000 Pakistan 1973-1977, Pakistan Civil War (Baluchi separatists vs. government) † 8,600 Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 Kurdistan 1974-1975, Kurdistan Iraq, Kurdistan † 5,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Vietnam vs. Cambodia 1975-1979, Cambodia, Vietnam Vietnam, Cambodia † 8,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Burma 1968-1980, Burma Civil War † 25,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-1980, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. Moro National Liberation Front) † 35,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Rhodesia 1972-1979, Rhodesia Civil War (guerillas vs. white minority gov.) † 12,000 Pakistan 1973-1977, Pakistan Civil War (Baluchi separatists vs. government) † 8,600 Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Vietnam vs. Cambodia 1975-1979, Cambodia, Vietnam Vietnam, Cambodia † 8,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Ogaden 1976-1983, Ethiopia Somalia, Ethiopia † 36,000 Argentina 1976-1983, Argentina Civil War † 10,000-15,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Burma 1968-1980, Burma Civil War † 25,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-1980, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. Moro National Liberation Front) † 35,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Rhodesia 1972-1979, Rhodesia Civil War (guerillas vs. white minority gov.) † 12,000 Pakistan 1973-1977, Pakistan Civil War (Baluchi separatists vs. government) † 8,600 Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Vietnam vs. Cambodia 1975-1979, Cambodia, Vietnam Vietnam, Cambodia † 8,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Ogaden 1976-1983, Ethiopia Somalia,Western Somali Liberation Front, Ethiopia † 36,000 Ethiopia vs. Somalia 1977-1978, Ogaden, Ethiopia Somalia, Ethiopia † 6,000 Argentina 1976-1983, Argentina Civil War † 10,000-15,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Burma 1968-1980, Burma Civil War † 25,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-1980, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. Moro National Liberation Front) † 35,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Rhodesia 1972-1979, Rhodesia Civil War (guerillas vs. white minority gov.) † 12,000 Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Vietnam vs. Cambodia 1975-1979, Cambodia, Vietnam Vietnam, Cambodia † 8,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Ogaden 1976-1983, Ethiopia Somalia,Western Somali Liberation Front, Ethiopia † 36,000 Ethiopia vs. Somalia 1977-1978, Ogaden, Ethiopia Somalia, Ethiopia † 6,000 Argentina 1976-1983, Argentina Civil War † 10,000-15,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Iranian Revolution 1978-1979, Iran Civil War † 7,500 Tigray 1978-1991, Ethiopia Civil War † 15,000 Ugandan-Tanzanian War 1978-1979, Uganda, Tanzania Uganda. Tanzania † 3,000 Nicaragua 1978-1979, Nicaragua Civil War † 35,000 Guatemala 1978-1984, Guatemala Civil War † 73,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Burma 1968-1980, Burma Civil War † 25,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-1980, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. Moro National Liberation Front) † 35,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Rhodesia 1972-1979, Rhodesia Civil War (guerillas vs. white minority gov.) † 12,000 Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Vietnam vs. Cambodia 1975-1979, Cambodia, Vietnam Vietnam, Cambodia † 8,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Ogaden 1976-1983, Ethiopia Somalia,Western Somali Liberation Front, Ethiopia † 36,000 Argentina 1976-1983, Argentina Civil War † 10,000-15,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Iranian Revolution 1978-1979, Iran Civil War † 7,500 Tigray 1978-1991, Ethiopia Civil War † 15,000 Ugandan-Tanzanian War 1978-1979, Uganda, Tanzania Uganda. Tanzania † 3,000 Nicaragua 1978-1979, Nicaragua Civil War † 35,000 Guatemala 1978-1984, Guatemala Civil War † 73,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Sino-Vietnamese War 1979, North Vietnam China, Vietnam † 21,000 Mozambique Civil War 1979-1992, Mozambique Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa † 200,000 El Salvador 1979-1992, El Salvador Civil War † 25,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel, Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Burma 1968-1980, Burma Civil War † 25,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-1980, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. Moro National Liberation Front) † 35,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Ogaden 1976-1983, Ethiopia Somalia,Western Somali Liberation Front, Ethiopia † 36,000 Argentina 1976-1983, Argentina Civil War † 10,000-15,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Tigray 1978-1991, Ethiopia Civil War † 15,000 Guatemala 1978-1984, Guatemala Civil War † 73,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Mozambique Civil War 1979-1992, Mozambique
Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa † 200,000 El Salvador 1979-1992, El Salvador Civil War † 25,000 Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988, Iran, Iraq Iran, Iraq † 1,250,000 Uganda 1980-1988, Uganda Civil War † 100,000 Nigeria 1980-1981, Nigeria Civil War † 5,000 Chad 1980-1990, Chad Chad, Libya † 11,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Ogaden 1976-1983, Ethiopia Somalia,Western Somali Liberation Front, Ethiopia † 36,000 Argentina 1976-1983, Argentina Civil War † 10,000-15,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Tigray 1978-1991, Ethiopia Civil War † 15,000 Guatemala 1978-1984, Guatemala Civil War † 73,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Mozambique Civil War 1979-1992, Mozambique Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa † 200,000 El Salvador 1979-1992, El Salvador Civil War † 25,000 Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988, Iran, Iraq Iran, Iraq † 1,250,000 Uganda 1980-1988, Uganda Civil War † 100,000 Nigeria 1980-1981, Nigeria Civil War † 5,000 Chad 1980-1990, Chad Chad, Libya † 11,000 Iran 1981-1982, Iran Civil War † 14,000
1982 Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel, Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Ogaden 1976-1983, Ethiopia Somalia,Western Somali Liberation Front, Ethiopia † 36,000 Argentina 1976-1983, Argentina Civil War † 10,000-15,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Tigray 1978-1991, Ethiopia Civil War † 15,000 Guatemala 1978-1984, Guatemala Civil War † 73,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Mozambique Civil War 1979-1992, Mozambique Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa † 200,000 El Salvador 1979-1992, El Salvador Civil War † 25,000 Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988, Iran, Iraq Iran, Iraq † 1,250,000 Uganda 1980-1988, Uganda Civil War † 100,000 Chad 1980-1990, Chad Chad, Libya † 11,000 Iran 1981-1982, Iran Civil War † 14,000 Syria 1982, Syria Civil War † 2,000-20,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Nicaragua 1982-1990, Nicaragua Civil War † 43,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Ogaden 1976-1983, Ethiopia Somalia,Western Somali Liberation Front, Ethiopia † 36,000 Argentina 1976-1983, Argentina Civil War † 10,000-15,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Tigray 1978-1991, Ethiopia Civil War † 15,000 Guatemala 1978-1984, Guatemala Civil War † 73,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Mozambique Civil War 1979-1992, Mozambique Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa † 200,000 El Salvador 1979-1992, El Salvador Civil War † 25,000 Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988, Iran, Iraq Iran, Iraq † 1,250,000 Uganda 1980-1988, Uganda Civil War † 100,000 Chad 1980-1990, Chad Chad, Libya † 11,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Nicaragua 1982-1990, Nicaragua Civil War † 43,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Tigray 1978-1991, Ethiopia Civil War † 15,000 Guatemala 1978-1984, Guatemala Civil War † 73,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Mozambique Civil War 1979-1992, Mozambique Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa † 200,000 El Salvador 1979-1992, El Salvador Civil War † 25,000 Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988, Iran, Iraq Iran, Iraq † 1,250,000 Uganda 1980-1988, Uganda Civil War † 100,000 Chad 1980-1990, Chad Chad, Libya † 11,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Nicaragua 1982-1990, Nicaragua Civil War † 43,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 Nigeria 1984, Nigeria Civil War † 1,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Tigray 1978-1991, Ethiopia Civil War † 15,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Mozambique Civil War 1979-1992, Mozambique Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa † 200,000 El Salvador 1979-1992, El Salvador Civil War † 25,000 Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988, Iran, Iraq Iran, Iraq † 1,250,000 Uganda 1980-1988, Uganda Civil War † 100,000 Chad 1980-1990, Chad Chad, Libya † 11,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Nicaragua 1982-1990, Nicaragua Civil War † 43,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 Sino-Vietnamese War 1985-1987, China, Vietnam China, Vietnam † 4,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 Iraq 1985-1993, Iraq Civil War † 10,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Tigray 1978-1991, Ethiopia Civil War † 15,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Mozambique Civil War 1979-1992, Mozambique Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa † 200,000 El Salvador 1979-1992, El Salvador Civil War † 25,000 Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988, Iran, Iraq Iran, Iraq † 1,250,000 Uganda 1980-1988, Uganda Civil War † 100,000 Chad 1980-1990, Chad Chad, Libya † 11,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Nicaragua 1982-1990, Nicaragua Civil War † 43,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 Sino-Vietnamese War 1985-1987, China, Vietnam China, Vietnam † 4,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 Iraq 1985-1993, Iraq Civil War † 10,000 South Yemen 1986, South Yemen Civil War † 12,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Tigray 1978-1991, Ethiopia Civil War † 15,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Mozambique Civil War 1979-1992, Mozambique Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa † 200,000 El Salvador 1979-1992, El Salvador Civil War † 25,000 Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988, Iran, Iraq Iran, Iraq † 1,250,000 Uganda 1980-1988, Uganda Civil War † 100,000 Chad 1980-1990, Chad Chad, Libya † 11,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Nicaragua 1982-1990, Nicaragua Civil War † 43,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Sri Lanka 1987-1989, Sri Lanka Civil War † 30,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 Sino-Vietnamese War 1985-1987, China, Vietnam China, Vietnam † 4,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 Iraq 1985-1993, Iraq Civil War † 10,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Namibia vs. South Africa 1966-1988, Namibia Namibia, South Africa (Colonial) † 12,500 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Tigray 1978-1991, Ethiopia Civil War † 15,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Mozambique Civil War 1979-1992, Mozambique Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa † 200,000 El Salvador 1979-1992, El Salvador Civil War † 25,000 Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988, Iran, Iraq Iran, Iraq † 1,250,000 Uganda 1980-1988, Uganda Civil War † 100,000 Chad 1980-1990, Chad Chad, Libya † 11,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Nicaragua 1982-1990, Nicaragua Civil War † 43,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Sri Lanka 1987-1989, Sri Lanka Civil War † 30,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 Iraq 1985-1993, Iraq Civil War † 10,000 Burundi 1988, Burundi Civil War † 5,000 (65,000 refugees flee to Rwanda)
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Tigray 1978-1991, Ethiopia Civil War † 15,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Mozambique Civil War 1979-1992, Mozambique Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa † 200,000 El Salvador 1979-1992, El Salvador Civil War † 25,000 Chad 1980-1990, Chad Chad, Libya † 11,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Nicaragua 1982-1990, Nicaragua Civil War † 43,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Sri Lanka 1987-1989, Sri Lanka Civil War † 30,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 Iraq 1985-1993, Iraq Civil War † 10,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Romania 1989, Romania Civil War † 1,000 (ended with execution of dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu) Liberia 1989-1997, Liberia Civil War † 150,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 South Africa 1989-1993, South Africa Civil War † 18,900
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Lebanon 1975-1990, Lebanon Civil War, Syria (1976), Israel (1978) † 170,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Tigray 1978-1991, Ethiopia Civil War † 15,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Mozambique Civil War 1979-1992, Mozambique Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa † 200,000 El Salvador 1979-1992, El Salvador Civil War † 25,000 Chad 1980-1990, Chad Chad, Libya † 11,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Nicaragua 1982-1990, Nicaragua Civil War † 43,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 Iraq 1985-1993, Iraq Civil War † 10,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Liberia 1989-1997, Liberia Civil War † 150,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 South Africa 1989-1993, South Africa Civil War † 18,900 Soviet Union/Azerbaijan 1990-1994, Azerbaijan Civil War † 10,000 Persian Gulf War 1990-1991, Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia † 100,000 Rwanda 1990-1994, Rwanda Civil, Genocide † 805,500
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Western Sahara 1975-1991, Western Sahara Mauritania (to 1979), Morocco (Independence Movement concurrent) † 10,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Tigray 1978-1991, Ethiopia Civil War † 15,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Mozambique Civil War 1979-1992, Mozambique Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa † 200,000 El Salvador 1979-1992, El Salvador Civil War † 25,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 Iraq 1985-1993, Iraq Civil War † 10,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Liberia 1989-1997, Liberia Civil War † 150,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 South Africa 1989-1993, South Africa Civil War † 18,900 Soviet Union/Azerbaijan 1990-1994, Azerbaijan Civil War † 10,000 Persian Gulf War 1990-1991, Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia † 100,000 Rwanda 1990-1994, Rwanda Civil, Genocide † 805,500 Yugoslavia 1991-1995, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro (until 1992), Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (only in 1995) Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina † 20,000-40,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Georgia 1991-1993, Georgia Civil War † 2,500 Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Mozambique Civil War 1979-1992, Mozambique Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa † 200,000 El Salvador 1979-1992, El Salvador Civil War † 25,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 Iraq 1985-1993, Iraq Civil War † 10,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Liberia 1989-1997, Liberia Civil War † 150,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 South Africa 1989-1993, South Africa Civil War † 18,900 Soviet Union/Azerbaijan 1990-1994, Azerbaijan Civil War † 10,000 Rwanda 1990-1994, Rwanda Civil, Genocide † 805,500 Yugoslavia 1991-1995, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro (until 1992), Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (only in 1995) Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina † 20,000-40,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Georgia 1991-1993, Georgia Civil War † 2,500 Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Tajikistan 1992-1998, Tajikistan Civil War † 20,000-50,000 Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995, Bosnia and Herzegovina Civil War † 200,000 Guatemala 1992-1995, Guatemala Civil War † unknown
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 Iraq 1985-1993, Iraq Civil War † 10,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Liberia 1989-1997, Liberia Civil War † 150,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 South Africa 1989-1993, South Africa Civil War † 18,900 Soviet Union/Azerbaijan 1990-1994, Azerbaijan Civil War † 10,000 Rwanda 1990-1994, Rwanda Civil, Genocide † 805,500 Yugoslavia 1991-1995, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro (until 1992), Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (only in 1995) Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina † 20,000-40,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Georgia 1991-1993, Georgia Civil War † 2,500 Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Tajikistan 1992-1998, Tajikistan Civil War † 20,000-50,000 Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995, Bosnia and Herzegovina Civil War † 200,000 Guatemala 1992-1995, Guatemala Civil War † unknown
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Northern Ireland “Troubles” 1969-1994, Northern Ireland UK and IRA † 3,400 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Eritrea 1974-1994, Eritrea Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cuba † 150,000 East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Liberia 1989-1997, Liberia Civil War † 150,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Soviet Union/Azerbaijan 1990-1994, Azerbaijan Civil War † 10,000 Rwanda 1990-1994, Rwanda Civil, Genocide † 805,500 Yugoslavia 1991-1995, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro (until 1992), Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (only in 1995) Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina † 20,000-40,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Tajikistan 1992-1998, Tajikistan Civil War † 20,000-50,000 Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995, Bosnia and Herzegovina Civil War † 200,000 Guatemala 1992-1995, Guatemala Civil War † unknown Philippines 1994-present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 Yemen 1994, Yemen Civil War † 1,500-7,000 Russia 1994-2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000-60,000 Sierra Leone 1994-2002, Sierra Leone Civil War † at least 6,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity East Timor Invasion 1975-1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Cambodia 1979-1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Liberia 1989-1997, Liberia Civil War † 150,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Yugoslavia 1991-1995, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro (until 1992), Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (only in 1995) Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina † 20,000-40,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Tajikistan 1992-1998, Tajikistan Civil War † 20,000-50,000 Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995, Bosnia and Herzegovina Civil War † 200,000 Guatemala 1992-1995, Guatemala Civil War † unknown Philippines 1994-present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 Russia 1994-2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000-60,000 Sierra Leone 1994-2002, Sierra Leone Civil War † at least 6,000
Israel vs. Palestine 1948–present, West Bank, Gaza Strip Israel, Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963–present, Colombia Civil War † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969–present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972–present, Philippines Civil War (Government vs. New People’s Army) † ≈40,000 East Timor Invasion 1975–1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Angola 1975–2002, Angola Civil War † 500,000 Afghanistan 1978–present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Cambodia 1979–1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Somalia 1982–present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982–present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path, Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983–2009, Sri Lanka Civil War † 45,000 Burma 1983–present, Burma Civil War † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983–2005, Sudan Civil War † 1,5oo,ooo Turkey 1984–2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. Government) † 30,000 India 1985–present, India Civil War † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989–present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Liberia 1989–1997, Liberia Civil War † 150,000 Indonesia 1989–present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991–present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991–present, Iran Civil War † unknown Tajikistan 1992–1998, Tajikistan Civil War † ≈20,000–50,000 Algeria 1992–present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000–100,000 Philippines 1994–present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 First & Second Chechen War 1994–2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000–60,000 Sierra Leone 1994–2002, Sierra Leone Civil War † ≈6,000 Uganda 1996–present, Uganda Civil War † 100,000 Democratic Republic of Congo 1996–1997, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 200,000
Israel vs. Palestine 1948–present, West Bank, Gaza Strip Israel, Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963–present, Colombia Civil War † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969–present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972–present, Philippines Civil War (Government vs. New People’s Army) † ≈40,000 East Timor Invasion 1975–1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Angola 1975–2002, Angola Civil War † 500,000 Afghanistan 1978–present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Cambodia 1979–1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Somalia 1982–present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982–present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path, Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983–2009, Sri Lanka Civil War † 45,000 Burma 1983–present, Burma Civil War † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983–2005, Sudan Civil War † 1,5oo,ooo Turkey 1984–2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. Government) † 30,000 India 1985–present, India Civil War † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989–present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Liberia 1989–1997, Liberia Civil War † 150,000 Indonesia 1989–present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991–present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991–present, Iran Civil War † unknown Tajikistan 1992–1998, Tajikistan Civil War † ≈20,000–50,000 Algeria 1992–present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000–100,000 Philippines 1994–present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 First & Second Chechen War 1994–2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000–60,000 Sierra Leone 1994–2002, Sierra Leone Civil War † ≈6,000 Uganda 1996–present, Uganda Civil War † 100,000 Democratic Republic of Congo 1996–1997, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 200,000 Congo Brazzaville 1997–1999, Congo Brazzaville Civil War † 2,000 Senegal 1997–1999, Senegal Civil War † 1,000
Israel vs. Palestine 1948–present, West Bank, Gaza Strip Israel, Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963–present, Colombia Civil War † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969–present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972–present, Philippines Civil War (Government vs. New People’s Army) † ≈40,000 East Timor Invasion 1975–1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Angola 1975–2002, Angola Civil War † 500,000 Afghanistan 1978–present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Cambodia 1979–1998, Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam † 42,000 Somalia 1982–present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982–present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path, Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983–2009, Sri Lanka Civil War † 45,000 Burma 1983–present, Burma Civil War † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983–2005, Sudan Civil War † 1,5oo,ooo Turkey 1984–2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. Government) † 30,000 India 1985–present, India Civil War † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989–present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Indonesia 1989–present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991–present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991–present, Iran Civil War † unknown Tajikistan 1992–1998, Tajikistan Civil War † ≈20,000–50,000 Algeria 1992–present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000–100,000 Philippines 1994–present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 First & Second Chechen War 1994–2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000–60,000 Sierra Leone 1994–2002, Sierra Leone Civil War † ≈6,000 Uganda 1996–present, Uganda Civil War † 100,000 Congo Brazzaville 1997–1999, Congo Brazzaville Civil War † 2,000 Senegal 1997–1999, Senegal Civil War † 1,000 Kosovo War 1998–1999, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro Civil War † 2,000 Guinea–Bissau 1998–1999, Guinea–Bissau Civil War † 1,000 Rwanda 1998–present, Rwanda, Congolese territory Civil War † unknown Eritrea vs. Ethiopia 1998–2000, Eritrea, Ethiopia Eritrea, Ethiopia † ≈50,000–100,000 Second Congo War 1998–present, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 5,400,000
Israel vs. Palestine 1948–present, West Bank, Gaza Strip Israel, Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963–present, Colombia Civil War † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969–present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972–present, Philippines Civil War (Government vs. New People’s Army) † ≈40,000 East Timor Invasion 1975–1999, East Timor Indonesia, East Timor † 265,000 Angola 1975–2002, Angola Civil War † 500,000 Afghanistan 1978–present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Somalia 1982–present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982–present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path, Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983–2009, Sri Lanka Civil War † 45,000 Burma 1983–present, Burma Civil War † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983–2005, Sudan Civil War † 1,5oo,ooo Turkey 1984–2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. Government) † 30,000 India 1985–present, India Civil War † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989–present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Indonesia 1989–present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991–present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991–present, Iran Civil War † unknown Algeria 1992–present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000–100,000 Philippines 1994–present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 First & Second Chechen War 1994–2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000–60,000 Sierra Leone 1994–2002, Sierra Leone Civil War † ≈6,000 Uganda 1996–present, Uganda Civil War † 100,000 Congo Brazzaville 1997–1999, Congo Brazzaville Civil War † 2,000 Senegal 1997–1999, Senegal Civil War † 1,000 Kosovo War 1998–1999, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro Civil War † 2,000 Guinea–Bissau 1998–1999, Guinea–Bissau Civil War † 1,000 Rwanda 1998–present, Rwanda, Congolese territory Civil War † unknown Eritrea vs. Ethiopia 1998–2000, Eritrea, Ethiopia Eritrea, Ethiopia † ≈50,000–100,000 Second Congo War 1998–present, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 5,400,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Philippines 1994-present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 Russia 1994-2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000-60,000 Sierra Leone 1994-2002, Sierra Leone Civil War † at least 6,000 Uganda 1996-present, Uganda Civil War (LRA’s kidnapped thousands of children to train as soldiers) † 100,000 Rwanda 1998-present, Rwanda and Congolese territory Civil War † unknown Eritrea vs. Ethiopia 1998-2000, Eritrea. Ethiopia Eritrea, Ethiopia † 50,000-100,000 Second Congo War 1998-present, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 5.4 million
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Philippines 1994-present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 Russia 1994-2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000-60,000 Sierra Leone 1994-2002, Sierra Leone Civil War † at least 6,000 Uganda 1996-present, Uganda Civil War (LRA’s kidnapped thousands of children to train as soldiers) † 100,000 Rwanda 1998-present, Rwanda and Congolese territory Civil War † unknown Second Congo War 1998-present, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 5.4 million September 11 Attacks 2001, US US, al Qaeda † 2,976 War in Afghanistan 2001-present. Afghanistan US. Afghanistan † 10,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Angola 1975-2002, Angola Civil War (Cuba, South Africa to 1990) † 500,000 Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million Turkey 1984-2002, Turkey Civil War (Kurdish Workers Party vs. government) † 30,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Philippines 1994-present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 Russia 1994-2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000-60,000 Sierra Leone 1994-2002, Sierra Leone Civil War † at least 6,000 Uganda 1996-present, Uganda Civil War (LRA’s kidnapped thousands of children to train as soldiers) † 100,000 Rwanda 1998-present, Rwanda and Congolese territory Civil War † unknown Second Congo War 1998-present, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 5.4 million War in Afghanistan 2001-present. Afghanistan US. Afghanistan † 10,000 Insurgency in the Maghreb 2002-present, Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia † 6,000 Ivorian Civil War 2002-2007, Côte d'Ivoire Civil War † 1,800
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Philippines 1994-present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 Russia 1994-2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000-60,000 Uganda 1996-present, Uganda Civil War (LRA’s kidnapped thousands of children to train as soldiers) † 100,000 Rwanda 1998-present, Rwanda and Congolese territory Civil War † unknown Second Congo War 1998-present, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 5.4 million War in Afghanistan 2001-present. Afghanistan US. Afghanistan † 10,000 Insurgency in the Maghreb 2002-present, Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia † 6,000 Ivorian Civil War 2002-2007, Côte d'Ivoire Civil War † 1,800 Iraq War 2003-present, Iraq US, Iraq † 1.3 million War in Darfur 2003-2010, Sudan Civil War † 300,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Philippines 1994-present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 Russia 1994-2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000-60,000 Uganda 1996-present, Uganda Civil War (LRA’s kidnapped thousands of children to train as soldiers) † 100,000 Rwanda 1998-present, Rwanda and Congolese territory Civil War † unknown Second Congo War 1998-present, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 5.4 million War in Afghanistan 2001-present. Afghanistan US. Afghanistan † 10,000 Insurgency in the Maghreb 2002-present, Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia † 6,000 Ivorian Civil War 2002-2007, Côte d'Ivoire Civil War † 1,800 Iraq War 2003-present, Iraq US, Iraq † 1.3 million War in Darfur 2003-2010, Sudan Civil War † 300,000 South Thailand Insurgency 2004-present, Thailand Civil War † 3,500 Sa'dah Insurgency 2004-2010, Yemen, Saudi Arabia Yemen, Saudi Arabia † 7,500
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005, Sudan Civil War † 1.5 million India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Philippines 1994-present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 Russia 1994-2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000-60,000 Uganda 1996-present, Uganda Civil War (LRA’s kidnapped thousands of children to train as soldiers) † 100,000 Rwanda 1998-present, Rwanda and Congolese territory Civil War † unknown Second Congo War 1998-present, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 5.4 million War in Afghanistan 2001-present. Afghanistan US. Afghanistan † 10,000 Insurgency in the Maghreb 2002-present, Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia † 6,000 Ivorian Civil War 2002-2007, Côte d'Ivoire Civil War † 1,800 Iraq War 2003-present, Iraq US, Iraq † 1.3 million War in Darfur 2003-2010, Sudan Civil War † 300,000 South Thailand Insurgency 2004-present, Thailand Civil War † 3,500 Sa'dah Insurgency 2004-2010, Yemen, Saudi Arabia Yemen, Saudi Arabia † 7,500 Fourth Civil War in Chad 2005-present, Chad Civil War † 1,140
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Philippines 1994-present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 Russia 1994-2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000-60,000 Uganda 1996-present, Uganda Civil War (LRA’s kidnapped thousands of children to train as soldiers) † 100,000 Rwanda 1998-present, Rwanda and Congolese territory Civil War † unknown Second Congo War 1998-present, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 5.4 million War in Afghanistan 2001-present. Afghanistan US. Afghanistan † 10,000 Insurgency in the Maghreb 2002-present, Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia † 6,000 Ivorian Civil War 2002-2007, Côte d'Ivoire Civil War † 1,800 Iraq War 2003-present, Iraq US, Iraq † 1.3 million War in Darfur 2003-2010, Sudan Civil War † 300,000 South Thailand Insurgency 2004-present, Thailand Civil War † 3,500 Sa'dah Insurgency 2004-2010, Yemen, Saudi Arabia Yemen, Saudi Arabia † 7,500 Fourth Civil War in Chad 2005-present, Chad Civil War † 1,140 Mexican Drug War 2006-present, Mexico Civil War † 23,000
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Philippines 1994-present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 Russia 1994-2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000-60,000 Uganda 1996-present, Uganda Civil War (LRA’s kidnapped thousands of children to train as soldiers) † 100,000 Rwanda 1998-present, Rwanda and Congolese territory Civil War † unknown Second Congo War 1998-present, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 5.4 million War in Afghanistan 2001-present. Afghanistan US. Afghanistan † 10,000 Insurgency in the Maghreb 2002-present, Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia † 6,000 Ivorian Civil War 2002-2007, Côte d'Ivoire Civil War † 1,800 Iraq War 2003-present, Iraq US, Iraq † 1.3 million War in Darfur 2003-2010, Sudan Civil War † 300,000 South Thailand Insurgency 2004-present, Thailand Civil War † 3,500 Sa'dah Insurgency 2004-2010, Yemen, Saudi Arabia Yemen, Saudi Arabia † 7,500 Fourth Civil War in Chad 2005-present, Chad Civil War † 1,140 Mexican Drug War 2006-present, Mexico Civil War † 23,000 Kenyan Crisis 2007-2008, Kenya Civil War † 1,500
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Philippines 1994-present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 Russia 1994-2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000-60,000 Uganda 1996-present, Uganda Civil War (LRA’s kidnapped thousands of children to train as soldiers) † 100,000 Rwanda 1998-present, Rwanda and Congolese territory Civil War † unknown Second Congo War 1998-present, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 5.4 million War in Afghanistan 2001-present. Afghanistan US. Afghanistan † 10,000 Insurgency in the Maghreb 2002-present, Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia † 6,000 Iraq War 2003-present, Iraq US, Iraq † 1.3 million War in Darfur 2003-2010, Sudan Civil War † 300,000 South Thailand Insurgency 2004-present, Thailand Civil War † 3,500 Sa'dah Insurgency 2004-2010, Yemen, Saudi Arabia Yemen, Saudi Arabia † 7,500 Fourth Civil War in Chad 2005-present, Chad Civil War † 1,140 Mexican Drug War 2006-present, Mexico Civil War † 23,000 Kenyan Crisis 2007-2008, Kenya Civil War † 1,500
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Sri Lanka 1983-2009, Sri Lanka Civil War (Began with Black July) † 45,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Philippines 1994-present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 Russia 1994-2009, Russia Civil War † 30,000-60,000 Uganda 1996-present, Uganda Civil War (LRA’s kidnapped thousands of children to train as soldiers) † 100,000 Rwanda 1998-present, Rwanda and Congolese territory Civil War † unknown Second Congo War 1998-present, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 5.4 million War in Afghanistan 2001-present. Afghanistan US. Afghanistan † 10,000 Insurgency in the Maghreb 2002-present, Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia † 6,000 Iraq War 2003-present, Iraq US, Iraq † 1.3 million War in Darfur 2003-2010, Sudan Civil War
† 300,000 South Thailand Insurgency 2004-present, Thailand Civil War † 3,500 Sa'dah Insurgency 2004-2010, Yemen, Saudi Arabia Yemen, Saudi Arabia † 7,500 Fourth Civil War in Chad 2005-present, Chad Civil War † 1,140 Mexican Drug War 2006-present, Mexico Civil War † 23,000 Sudanese nomadic Conflict Areas 2009-present, Sudan Civil War † 2,500
Israel vs Palestine 1948-present, West Bank and Gaza Strip Israel,Palestine † 13,000 Colombia 1963-present, Colombia Civil War (rooted in La Violencia) † 300,000 Papua Conflict 1969-present, Indonesia (West Papua, Papua) Civil War † 100,000 Philippines 1972-present, Philippines Civil War (Gov vs. New People’s Army) 40,000 in 1992, Conflict continues at low intensity Afghanistan 1978-present, Afghanistan Civil War † 600,000 Somalia 1982-present, Somalia Civil War † 85,000 Peru 1982-present, Peru Civil War (Government vs Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Guerrillas) † 28,000 Burma 1983-present, Burma Civil (Ethnic groups fighting for autonomy) † 7,000 India 1985-present, India Civil War (Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir) † 60,000 India vs. Pakistan 1989-present, Kashmir India, Pakistan † 25,000 Indonesia 1989-present, Indonesia Civil War † 2,000 Iraq 1991-present, Iraq Civil War (Gov’t vs. SAIRA) † unknown Iran 1991-present, Iran Civil War † unknown Algeria 1992-present, Algeria Civil War † 40,000-100,000 Philippines 1994-present, Philippines Civil War † 2,000 Uganda 1996-present, Uganda Civil War (LRA’s kidnapped thousands of children to train as soldiers) † 100,000 Rwanda 1998-present, Rwanda and Congolese territory Civil War † unknown Second Congo War 1998-present, Democratic Republic of Congo Civil War, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe † 5.4 million War in Afghanistan 2001-present. Afghanistan US. Afghanistan † 10,000 Insurgency in the Maghreb 2002-present, Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia Algeria, Ceuta, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia † 6,000 Iraq War 2003-present, Iraq US, Iraq † 1.3 million War in Darfur 2003-2010, Sudan Civil War † 300,000 South Thailand Insurgency 2004-present, Thailand Civil War † 3,500 Sa'dah Insurgency 2004-2010, Yemen, Saudi Arabia Yemen, Saudi Arabia † 7,500 Fourth Civil War in Chad 2005-present, Chad Civil War † 1,140 Mexican Drug War 2006-present, Mexico Civil War † 23,000 Sudanese nomadic Conflict Areas 2009-present, Sudan Civil War † 2,500 South Kyrgyzstan Riots 2010, Kyrgyzstan Civil War † 1,900
“111 Years” comprises of 111 drawings that map a century of war on our planet from 1900 to 2010. Methodology
“111 Years” comprises of 111 drawings that map a century of war on our planet from 1900 to 2010. Methodology
“111 Years” comprises of 111 drawings that map a century of war on our planet from 1900 to 2010. Methodology
“111 Years” comprises of 111 drawings that map a century of war on our planet from 1900 to 2010. Methodology
“111 Years” comprises of 111 drawings that map a century of war on our planet from 1900 to 2010. Methodology
“111 Years” comprises of 111 drawings that map a century of war on our planet from 1900 to 2010. Methodology
“111 Years” comprises of 111 drawings that map a century of war on our planet from 1900 to 2010. Methodology
Bleached Coral (2018) 92 cm x 122cm colored crayons burned paper
Northern White Rhino (2018) 122 cm x 92cm
Storm Merlin UK (2018) 122 cm x 92cm colored crayons burned paper
Burned Grapes Napa Valley US (2017) 122 cm x 184 cm colored crayons burned paper
Fire Los Angeles (2017) 92 cm x 122cm colored crayons burned paper
Iceberg Newfound Land (2017) 122 cm x 184 cm colored crayons burned paper
Henderson's Island, Pacific (2017) 122 cm x 184 cm colored crayons burned paper
Kandahar, Afghanistan 184 cm x 122cm burned paper gold/silver leaf (2013)
Snowfloods, USA 122 cm x 92 cm burned paper gold/silver leaf (2013)
Capitol, Snow USA 184 cm x 122 cm paper and gold/silver leaf (2013)
Haiti 122 cm x 184cm burned paper (2010)
Skulls, Cambodia 92 cm x 122cm burned paper (2010)
Beel Bahnia Bangladesh 92 cm x 122cm burned paper (2010)
Diamond Miners, Zimbabwe 92 cm x 122cm burned paper (2010)
Kamayura Indians, Amazon 92 cm x 122cm burned paper (2010)

SOL MMVII (more info in Editions)

FLAG MMX (more info in Editions)

NewBRicks NYT1Rweb
1 year of the NYTimes 2015-2016
NewBRicks NYT2sideRETOUCHEDweb
1 year of the NYTimes 2015-2016
playboy lesbos web
1 year of Playboy magazine 2016 and Lesbos Arrival 2016
atrforum web
one year of art forum 2016
1 years of Playboy macerated magazine
Lampshades made from Pulped New York Times ( L) and Pulped artforum (R) 2016 Leaving Venezuela2017 In BG
Horror Vacuii, Glass, Hand size (2007)
Horror Vacuii, Glass, Hand size (2007)
Bulb, Gold leaf on light bulb 15 x 9 x 9 cm (2013)
Bulb, Gold leaf on light bulb 15 x 9 x 9 cm (2013)
Choke , wood/gold leaf 30cmx20cmx20cm (2013)
Choke, wood/gold leaf 30cmx20cmx20cm (2013)
Lump, 24 kt. gold 8kg 6cm x 12cm x 8cm (2013)
Lump, 24 kt. gold 8kg 6cm x 12cm x 8cm (2013)
Woman Hurt, Bagdad 2010 (positive) Acrylic on canvas 30 x 40 cm
Woman Hurt, Bagdad 2010 (negative) Acrylic on canvas 30 x 40 cm
Fisherman, Bangladesh 2010 (postive) Acrylic on canvas 30 x 40 cm
Fisherman, Bangladesh 2010 (negative) Acrylic on canvas 30 x 40 cm
Cosmonaut, Russia 2010 (positive) Acrylic on canvas 30 x 40 cm
Cosmonaut, Russia 2010 (negative) Acrylic on canvas 30 x 40 cm
Tribal meeting Afganistan 2008 (positive) acrylics on canvas 122 x 183 cm
Tribal meeting Afganistan 2008 (negative) acrylics on canvas 122 x 183 cm
Roadblock Kenya 2010 acrylic on canvas 120x 230 cm
Road Block,Kenya ( detail) 2009 122cm x 183cm Acrylic on Canvas
Prison, Malawi 2006 acrylic on canvas 91 x 122 cm
Handcuffed Iraq, 2006 Acrylic on canvas 122 x 91 cm
Code 8 , Acrylic on Canvas 30cm x 60cm
Code 8, (reflection) Acrylic on Canvas 30cm x 60cm


SOL was made by taking a film of one of the Sun’s rotations, dividing it into single frames, drawing each one, then burning each drawing using sunlight through a magnifying glass. these were then photographed and reassembled into the original sequence and back into a film. The Sun’s regions near its equator rotate once every 25 days. The Sun’s rotation rate decreases with increasing latitude so that its rotation rate is slowest near its poles. At the poles the Sun rotates once every 36 days. SOL displays a rotation in 30 seconds. SOL is an edition of 7 , with one AP Each edition is made of three DVDs (HD,PAL,NTSC)
FLAG MMX,video dur: 1:11 blueray,PAL,NTSCEdition of 7 with one a.p.
Flag, Etching (Burned) 25x 35 cm edition of 12 with one a.p. (2009)
Flag, Etchings (Burned) view of 4 edition of 12 with one a.p. (2009)
Biglia, Glicee Print on 300mg arches 80 x 120 cm edition of 20 one a.p. (2012)


1.4_93 (1993)
Tongue Painting 1.4_93 (1993)(side view) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 28 x 28cm
1.4_93 (1993)
Tongue Painting 1.4_93 (1993)(front view) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 28 x 28cm
1.27_95 (1995)
Tongue Painting 1.27_95 (1995)(side view) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 28 x 28cm
Tongue Painting 1.27_95(front view) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 28 x 28cm
TB8_95 (1995)
Tongue Painting TB8_95 (1995)(side view) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 40 x 40 cm
TB8_95 (1995)
Tongue Painting TB8_95 (1995)(front view) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 40 x 40 cm
TB8_95 (1995)
Tongue Painting TB8_95 (1995)(detail) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 40 x 40 cm
1.33_97 (1997)
Tongue Painting 1.33_97 (1997) (frontview) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 28 x 28cm
1.33_97 (1997)
Tongue Painting 1.33_97 (1997)(side view) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 28 x 28cm
T2.16_97  (1997)
Tongue Painting T2.16_97 (1997)(side view) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 60 x 60 cm
Tongue Painting T2.16_97 !997) (front view) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 60 x 60 cm
A14_96 (1996)
Tongue Painting A14_96 (1996)(side view) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 15 x 15 cm
A14_96 (1996)
Tongue Painting A14_96 (1996)(front view) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 15 x 15 cm
A6_96 ( 1996)
Tongue Painting A6_96 ( 1996)(side view) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 15 x 15 cm
A6_96 (1996)
Tongue Painting A6_96 ( 1996)(front view) acrylics on canvas on wood panel 15 x 15 cm